Hi Fons,

it's great to see you have not lot your edge! :)

On 2024-04-20 11:50, Fons Adriaensen wrote:

> The new Retuner class can probably be used without changes
> in the x42-autotuner plugin.
I had a quick look and and sadly it's not that simple. The plugin already has a low latency mode, and supports for per note microtuning.

Either I have to backport your bug-fixes, or add the missing features to your new version. Then I will have to check that the behavior of 0.8.2 does not alter the sound of existing sessions using the plugin.

Can you elaborate on the bug fixes that you made?

I'm already looking forward to zita-at2! That will have to be a new plugin. So perhaps there is also an option to wait for that to drop.

Thanks for your hard work on this.


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