> From: borissh1...@gmail.com
> Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2023 13:48:13 +0200
> In the view of Lifnei iver,
> Recently RMS had shared an alleged PFLP affiliated  organization calls to 
> prevent arms deals to Israel, PFLP  participated in the Simhat torah 
> massacre.  
> https://www.stallman.org/archives/2023-sep-dec.html#9_December_2023_(Legal_challenges_over_arms_exports)
> The organisation had excused the perpetrators of the Simhat Torah  massacre.  
> https://www.alhaq.org/advocacy/21800.html . 
> For my understanding RMS is actively assisting to the other side during the 
> war against Israel.

I don't see how you understood that from a single line of text which
just conveys a simple fact: an action done by PFLP.  Maybe RMS does
what you think, maybe he doesn't; to know for sure, I suggest to write
to him and ask him to make his standpoint on this clear.  Assuming
that he is "actively assisting to the other side during the war
against Israel" on such weak evidence runs the risk of making false

And that is even before we consider the possibility that maybe he is
with us wrt whether ours is a just cause, but disagrees with the
actual methods and tactics.

All of that should be cleared up by asking him a direct question.  I
know him well enough to assure you that you will get a direct answer.
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