On 5/16/24 16:48, Magnus Hagander wrote:
On Thu, May 16, 2024 at 10:46 PM Melanie Plageman I was reflecting on why a general purpose patch tracker sounded
    appealing to me, and I realized that, at least at this time of year, I
    have a few patches that really count as "waiting on author" that I
    know I need to do additional work on before they need more review but
    which aren't currently my top priority. I should probably simply
    withdraw and re-register them. My justification was that I'll lose
    them if I don't keep them in the commitfest app. But, I could just,
    you know, save them somewhere myself instead of polluting the
    commitfest app with them. I don't know if others are in this
    situation. Anyway, I'm definitely currently guilty of parking.

One thing I think we've talked about before (but not done) is to basically have a CF called "parking lot", where you can park patches that aren't active in a commitfest  but you also don't want to be dead. It would probably also be doable to have the cf bot run patches in that commitfest as well as the current one, if that's what people are using it for there.


Joe Conway
PostgreSQL Contributors Team
RDS Open Source Databases
Amazon Web Services: https://aws.amazon.com

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