On March 23, 2014 5:56:00 PM EDT, Andreas Cadhalpun 
<andreas.cadhal...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>On 23.03.2014 21:35, Sebastian Andrzej Siewior wrote:
>> On 2014-03-23 15:24:29 [+0100], Andreas Cadhalpun wrote:
>>> I added a check to disable autoreconf in squeeze. Now it also builds
>fine in
>>> squeeze.
>> I assumed that Scott prefers having the reconf stuff done once and
>> as a patch but okay, lets do it that way.

The beauty of dh-autoreconf is that it does and then undoes reconfigured each 
time so there's nothing to worry about. We don't need a patch.

>I think it's better, if the unstable package builds as is in all 
>supported releases.

The drive for running reconfigured is primarily for supporting newer ports and 
other features as they are added.  This isn't a concern for oldstable, so not 
reconf'ing there is perfectly fine. 

It is better if it builds unmodified for all releases, but it doesn't have to 
build identically. 

>> There is one remaining blocker: squeeze's debhelper does not invoke
>> override_dh_auto_build-indep and override_dh_auto_build-arch. The
>> is that we have init / postinst, … scripts in the package.
>Good that you noticed this. I missed that completely.
>> I was going to fix to fix but run out of time for today and decided
>> post this before someone merges this into unstable beacuse it looks
>> except for this thingy :)
>As a fix I added clamav_build-{indep,arch} and added them as 
>dependencies to override_dh_auto_build-{indep,arch} respectively for 
> >=wheezy and both to override_dh_auto_build for squeeze.
>If that was the last problem, we could merge this to unstable. Do you

It looks like it's getting really close to ready. I want to wait until late in 
the week to upload again to see if we get any more Debconf translations in. 
There is time yet to make sure it's sorted. 

Scott K

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