Re: Problem with accessing external USB HDD

2015-03-27 Thread Bret Busby
On 27/03/2015, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Bret Busby wrote:
 I have an external USB HDD connected to a system running Debian 6 LTS.

 I don't really have any great contribution.  But since no one else
 seems to have any good response I will contribute what I know.

 I have never had good luck with USB connected hard drives.  They work
 for a while.  But then invariably they get dropped offline.  It might
 be 3-6 months between events.  But for me they just are not reliable.
 In the past I have tried very hard to use them as system disks.  Now I
 consider that something to avoid.

 I still use USB disks as large floppies.  They are still great for
 being large temporary data stores for holding and moving data between
 machines.  But only when connected for short term use.  Reading your
 problems just reinforces this belief.

 [On the other hand USB network devices have been rock solid for me.
 Meaning that while I avoid USB disks I actively use USB networking on
 several machines to add additional NICs.  I am planning another site
 using additional USB NICs.  It is probably hardware dependent but they
 have been working great for me regardless of the opposite for disks.
 And I have three sites using USB sound cards very robustly.]

 I have tried to transfer data from the desktop intenal HDD, to the
 external USB HDD.

 The file manager shows as being Nautilus 2.30.1.

 I read by your message that you are a graphical desktop user.  That's
 fine.  But for transfering large amounds of data the command line
 tools such as rsync are the best in class.  I wouldn't even consider
 trying to use nautilus or other graphical file managers for this type
 of task.  I would highly recommend using rsync.  Even if for you it
 means a stretch to get off of the mouse and over to the keyboard.

 The best advantage of tools such as rsync is that it is
 interruptable and restartable with a minimum of lost effort.  I may be
 1G into a 3G transfer and want to stop it, change something, and
 restart it again.  With a normal copy that would mean copying the
 original data again.  With rsync it means it will examine what needs
 to be done and be able to continue the copy using the already
 transfered data as done and moving forward.

   rsync -avP /from/here/dir-or-file /to/there/dir/

 From time to time, as in this instance, I forget (until too late) that
 Debian 6 can not cope with transferring data more than about 1GB at a
 time; in this instance, I had tried to transfer about 3GB, to make
 room in my /home partition.

 Knowing how flaky USB disks interfaces tend to be I think this is most
 likely a hardware problem.  Doesn't change your situation.  But I
 think it blames the right thing to blame.

 In any case I have definitely copied gigs and gigs of data to and from
 USB disks.  It can be very good to make large data sets portable on a
 portable USB drive.  My complaints usually happen after the disk has
 been in active use as a system device for a month and then it goes

 The transfer had seized up, after transferring about 1.1GB of the
 3.2GB that I had tried to ransfer, so, after a couple of days of it
 apparently doing nothing, I stopped it, and, as the system monitor
 showed a system load of around 43 (whatever that means - if it was as
 a percentage of system capacity, it could be more meaningful, to me).
 The system monitor currently shows a system load average of about 35.

 Let me give a short explanation of system load.  Which is almost
 impossible to say briefly so forgive me in advance for leaving out
 important parts, saying half of it wrong, and still saying too much.
 The concept is the important part here.

 First there is no set capacity.  There isn't a cap such as 5 or 10 or
 100.  Therefore there isn't a way to say what percentage of your
 system is being used by any particular system load.  But it is an
 important indicator of system status and health.  A load of 35 or 43
 are both very high system loads!

 The operating system process scheduler schedules processes to run.
 A process ready to run is queued into the run queue.  If the process
 is calculating PI to a zillion decimal places then it is going to use
 100% of the cpu until it has consumed its time slice and suspended to
 give the next process time to run.  If there are no other proceses
 then the cpu will be given back to this process and the cpu will
 continue to be 100% utilized forever.

 But what about processes reading and writing to the disk drive or
 network?  In computer speed spinning disk drives are slow.  In
 computer speeds networks are slow.  Web servers are slow.  Say that
 your web browser sends an http GET request to a web site.  It then
 must wait for the response.  Your web browser is ready to run.  But it
 can't.  It is waiting for external events return.  It is blocked
 waiting for I/O.  While it is waiting the OS will schedule another
 process to run.  If there is another process ready it will get cpu.

Re: Vitesse de transfert depuis/vers un répertoire monté avec sshfs

2015-03-27 Thread Bernard Siorat

J'ai testé bien sûr : Gigolo monte une liaison réseau en sftp qui fonctionne
d'ailleurs très bien.

sshfs lui monte un disque|répertoire distant comme un répertoire système, sur
un point de montage fixe /media/monrep

Le 26/03/2015 20:43, Christophe a écrit :
 Le 26/03/2015 12:15, Bernardo a écrit :
 je suis en Debian Sid à jour, avec Xfce.
 Je monte un répertoire d'une machine distante avec sshfs et fuse.
 sshfs monlo...@sshfs.machine.tld:/repdist /point de montage -o
 idmap=user -o uid=1000 -o gid=1000
 Il apparait bien dans la liste des périphériques dans le gestionnaire de 
 fichier Thunar.
 Le problème :
 - si je fais un glisser/déposer d'un fichier de 15 Mo vers ce
 périphérique, le transfert va durer environ 15 min !
 - si je transfère le même fichier par sftp vers la machine distante, ça
 dure moins de 5 secondes !
 En gros : en graphique, ça rame, en console, ça passe.
 Sans aucune certitude, mais est-ce que tu peux tester avec l'outil Gigolo
 pour effectuer ton montage SSH/SFTP ? (me semble t'il qu'il a été
 spécialement prévu pour XFCE/Thunar)
 J'effectue quotidiennement des transferts de fichiers via SSH avec et je
 suis pleine bourre sur le débit.
 @+ Christophe.

Loi du Capitaine Penny :
Vous pouvez tromper 1000 personnes 1 fois,
Vous pouvez tromper 1 personne 1000 fois,
Mais vous ne pouvez pas tromper Maman !

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Re: Vitesse de transfert depuis/vers un répertoire monté avec sshfs

2015-03-27 Thread Bernardo

D'une part, la machine distante ne me propose qu'un serveur ssh, d'autre part
le chiffrage des données est impératif.

Le problème, apparemment, c'est le temps mis par certaines applications pour
chiffrer :-(

Le 26/03/2015 20:13, maderios a écrit :
 On 03/26/2015 12:15 PM, Bernardo wrote:
 Je monte un répertoire d'une machine distante avec sshfs et fuse.
 sshfs monlo...@sshfs.machine.tld:/repdist /point de montage -o
 idmap=user -o uid=1000 -o gid=1000
 - si je fais un glisser/déposer d'un fichier de 15 Mo vers ce
 périphérique, le transfert va durer environ 15 min !
 Bonjour Normal que cela prenne plus de temps, sshfs crypte les données et
 c'est même pour cela qu'on l'utilise. NFS est plus rapide.

Si l'électron nous a servi à comprendre beaucoup de choses,
nous n'avons jamais bien compris l'électron lui-même.
-+- Louis de Broglie -+-

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Re: Need help with CUPS printing

2015-03-27 Thread ken

On 03/26/2015 07:38 PM, Paul E Condon wrote:

I'm running Jessie, as close to plain vanilla as my hardware allows.
I have a HP Laserjet 5MP. This is an ancient device. It has built-in
firmware for Level 2 Postscript printing and a special socket for
Apple Localtalk connection, but no USB. It is a sturdy old beast and
was running nicely until quite recently. But in a special configuration
that needs to be understood in order to give help:

My main desktop computer on which I receive email, and create my own
documents has *only* USB. I bought a special cable that has a USB to
Centronics conversion dongle at one end. But I can't use it because the
socket for Centronics on the printer is in recessed place in the
printer where the dongle won't fit and I can't enlarge the place
without sawing away parts of the printer framework that are necessary
for the paper feed system to work. So, instead, I put into service an
old micro-mini Dell (now running Jessie) and put CUPS on it, and
configured it to be a print server. But all this was well before I had
any idea that there would ever be anything like Jessie in my
future. At first, after some fiddling, the print server worked under
Jessie, but now it has stopped working. The printer continues to
produce test pages when requesting them from the old Dell keyboard and
in self-test mode by pushing buttons on the printer itself, not by
typing at the computer keyboard.

After installing the most recent upgrades to Jessie on both computers
this morning, I tried to print a few pages from iceweasel and printing
worked. But I also want to be able to print from Emacs, which I use to
compose my emails, such as this one. Emacs told be that there was no
default printer even though I had just selected the printer on the old
Dell from a pick-list presented to be by the print user interface
presented to me by the Emacs user interface. I think I should configure
the Cups server on my desktop computer to indicate that that printer
over on the old Dell is the one for Emacs. But how do I do that?

I can't trust my own investigations to determine if there have been any
recent changes in the Jessie CUPS packages in the recent past. I know
there was a new version of CUPS at the time that Jessie entered pre-release
freeze, and I pretty sure my system was working then and not something
that I lost in my transition from Wheezy. And, of course, I'd like a
more foreword looking suggestion than to re-install Wheezy. I'd like this
fixed before Jessie release because I have a bad feeling that the longer
I wait the further from the main-stream I will be. I need, with my old
hardware, to be as close to the middle of the herd of users as I can be.

The print driver for the HPLj-5MP that I have been using in recent years
is the one with (recommended) in its listing in the pick-list of all HP
print drivers in the localhost:631 web site on both computers. Beyond that
I can't think of anything people might need to know about my set-up. I'd
be glad to answer any questions about things that I haven't realized might
be important.

Please help

The first thing to do is to set up printing from the machine you set up 
as a print server.  Can you do that?  That is, can you bring up cups 
from its keyboard and print a test page?  This is more a proof a 
connectivity than a test of the print server's cups setup, as the print 
server can serve simply as a network node through which you connect 
from other machines on your network to the printer.

Once you can do that, you should be able to print from whatever other 
printer(s) permitted on your network by configuring it/them for that 
print server's IP address.  You first need to ensure you can ping the 
print server from your other machine(s).  Once you can do that, then set 
up cups on the print client(s).

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No consigo que me lea el adaptador bluetooth

2015-03-27 Thread Ondartz Ederra
Muy buenas, tengo un Asus X54c y acabo de instalar Debian 7.8 . No me 
lee el adaptador de bluetooth. Cro que dentro de mis limitados 
conocimientos respecto al sistema operativo he hecho de todo pero nada 
de nada. Gracias de antemano

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Re: Debian et autonomie...

2015-03-27 Thread Pierre TOUZEAU
Sur un TOSHIBA PORTEGE R500 de 2008 que je connais donc bien et utilisé
sous Win XP jusqu'en 2013, mon autonomie globale sur batterie était de
7h, avec Bluetooth/wifi désactivé par défaut (simple bouton) ; à noter
son processeur U7600 basse-conso, et une pseudo-carte graphique sur
carte mère intel GM950.

Passé sous XUBUNTU (XFCE4.10) j'ai récupéré la même autonomie pour la
même utilisation (bureautique souvent), à noter que le passage d'un HDD
160Go à un SSD Samsung 512Go m'a peut-être fait gagner 1/2h d'autonomie
(et plus de confort aussi ;-)

Enfin, j'occupe parfois mes 2h de train par un film sous VLC, qui réduit
mon autonomie car je met l'écran plein pot pour bien voir, je pourrai
regarder 2 films d'affilé environ (4à 5h d'autonomie).  J'ai des profils
de gestion de batterie/secteur avec des temps de veille, d'économie, etc.
Mais je n'ai pas fait de config pointue sur l'autonomie... A noter, que
j'ai acheté dès le début, une batterie supplémentaire que j'embarque en
déplacement. Et je tourne régulièrement sur les 2 batteries, sachant que
l'essentiel de la journée, le PC est à poste sur son dock d'accueil,
avec la batterie (Lithium-ion).

Je suis donc TRES content de ce PC


Le 26/03/2015 21:04, Grégory Reinbold a écrit :

 6h30 d'autonomie, oui, mais dans quelle condition ? Avec quelle OS ?
 Quel type de profil de gestion d'énergie, etc..., etc...

 Après il faut aussi voir les réglages (possibles ?) dans le bios.
 Pour mon Thinkpad X201 j'ai des paramètres pour la gestion de
 l'énergie sur batterie ou secteur dans le bios, c'est utile pour
 définir des règles simples d'économie d'énergie.

 Ensuite, étant un adepte d'Openbox et XFCE, je recommande ce genre
 d'environnement ultra léger pour une économie d'énergie maximale. (+
 désactiver le compositer)

 Enfin, comme il a été cité plutôt il faut aussi voir ce qui tourne
 comme services et démons sur ta machine. Voir ce qui est utile ou pas.

 Éventuellement désactiver des périphériques pas toujours utiles comme
 les adaptateurs bluetooth et wifi.

 Personnellement sans wifi, bluetooth et les services minimum je peux
 travailler sur batterie environ 3 heures sur un portable qui a déjà
 quelques années.

 Les applications telles que Icedove ou Evolution consomment pas mal
 d'énergie ne serait-ce que pour, par exemple, mettre à jour les boîtes
 mail et flux rss tous les x minutes. (Préférer mutt et newsbeuter avec
 une synchro manuelle peut-être ?)

 Les gros navigateurs tels que Icedove, Opera, Chrome  Co sont
 gourmands aussi, par exemple avec du java, flash  co... (Pour des
 recherches sur, préférer w3m peut-être ?)

 Toutes les pistes sont bonnes à explorer, mais en soit Debian est un
 OS très peu gourmand en ressources (certainement moins gourmand qu'une
 solution Microsoft). Mais encore une fois tout dépend de
 l'environnement et des applications utilisés...

 Pour finir je dirais qu'une autonomie de 2-3 heures avec du VLC qui
 lit de la vidéo durant tout ce temps, ça me paraît assez raisonnable.


 Grégory Reinbold

 Le 26/03/2015 18:16, Olivier a écrit :
 Il aurait été intéressant de mesurer l'autonomie réelle du PC, dans
 des conditions analogues, avec son OS d'origine.
 Elle est peut-être très comparable.

 Il existe peut-être des logiciels multi-plateformes spécialisés sur la
 mesure de l'autonomie.
 Cela faciliterai les comparaisons.

 Le 23 mars 2015 14:16, David BERCOT a écrit :

 J'ai récemment changé d'ordinateur portable et, sur la fiche de
 celui-ci, l'autonomie annoncée était d'environ 6h30.
 Sitôt reçu, j'ai supprimé le système installé pour y mettre Debian.

 Or, mes premiers essais montrent une autonomie tournant plutôt aux
 alentours de 2h... Certes, avec VLC pour regarder des vidéos, mais avec
 le wifi désactivé.

 Maintenant, il me manque peut-être certains choix qui pourraient
 augmenter mon autonomie. Auriez-vous des idées ?
 Ou alors, de process particuliers que je devrais supprimer quand mon
 portable n'est pas branché sur secteur...

 Tant que j'y suis, j'ai un comportement bizarre avec VLC (mais c'est la
 même chose avec Totem) : mes vidéos (HD ou pas) sont saccadées...
 Or, je suis passé d'une ancienne génération de Core i7 à un tout
 nouveau Core i5 Broadcom... C'est ma carte Intel qui fait le travail
 car j'ai des soucis avec l'AMD...

 Bref, merci d'avance pour les pistes à explorer...


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Pro. Signature

Pierre Touzeau

Chargé de mission  /  Préfecture de region Basse-Normandie
SGAR/rue Daniel HUET/14038 CAEN 

Re: Planning a new Debian box!

2015-03-27 Thread Darac Marjal
On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 11:55:26PM -0400, Bob Bernstein wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 09:09:28PM -0600, Paul E Condon wrote:
  ...some BIOS code that blocks copying a backup copy of Win7 in 
  a hidden partition on HD...
 Now, see? That's some hardcore M$ crap right there! Thas what
 I'm talkin 'bout!

I doubt this is a Microsoft-approved method. There's a long history of
people making invalid assumptions based on how Windows does things. Such
as tucking a bit of data outside the partition and wondering why the
program breaks when Linux creates a partition there. Or putting a bit of
information in a known location on the hard disk and then wondering
why the program breaks when the disk is defragmented.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Debian et autonomie...

2015-03-27 Thread honeyshell
Pour avoir eu près de 7 ordinateurs portables pro/gameur/bureautique sous
debian ou dérivées, je dirai simplement que si vous avez :
- une carte graphique intégrée est CPU
- une version pro pour bénéficier d'une batterie longue vie
alors vous aurez une bonne autonomie sous GNU/LINUX (ou tout autre OS)

Dès que vous partez sur du tout public avec une carte ATI ou NVidia, de mon
expérience, les batteries en utilisation bureautique ne dépassaient pas les
3h d'utilisation (3h30 neuf, puis 2h15 après 6-7 mois).
Ma pire expérience était un toshiba avec une carte nvidia qui chauffait
énormément. Un gros soucis de driver sous linux malheureusement.

Re: Vitesse de transfert depuis/vers un répertoire monté avec sshfs

2015-03-27 Thread Bernardo
Le 26/03/2015 18:46, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :

 pour thunar essayes de voir ce qui est installé ?
 je pense à gvfs xfce4-goodies  et autres :

 slt bernard


Bonne idée !

xfce4-goodies est un méta-paquet qui n'est pas installé parce que je
n'installe que les applications qui me conviennent et qui me sont utiles.

Quand à gvfs, si je le retire, je ne peux plus utiliser Gigolo, qui est
vraiment très pratique pour monter des connections réseaux.

En conclusion, je suis en train de remplacer Thunar par PCmanFM et ça semble
fonctionner correctement pour le moment.


Je crois en Dieu parce que je crois en les hommes.
-+- Robert Hossein -+-

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[HS du dredi] modem 4G

2015-03-27 Thread Bernardo

je suis à la recherche d'un modem 4G pour remplacer mon modem satellite.

Je ne trouve que des modems routeurs, mais je souhaite conserver mon routeur
actuel avec son firmware Tomato et dont je ne suis pas sûr de retrouver toutes
les fonctionnalités dont j'ai besoin.

Avez-vous des retour d'expérience, des liens ?

Merci d'avance et bonne journée.


Le génie consiste à voir ce que tout le monde a vu et à penser ce que
personne n'a pensé.
-+- Albert Einstein -+-

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Re: Vitesse de transfert depuis/vers un répertoire monté avec sshfs

2015-03-27 Thread Bernardo

Merci, je ne connaissais pas.

Le 27/03/2015 11:52, Christophe a écrit :
 Le 27/03/2015 07:23, Bernard Siorat a écrit :
 J'ai testé bien sûr : Gigolo monte une liaison réseau en sftp qui
 fonctionne d'ailleurs très bien.
 sshfs lui monte un disque|répertoire distant comme un répertoire système,
 sur un point de montage fixe /media/monrep
 Je t'accorde que c'est un montage moins permanent qu'avec sshfs, mais
 les montages effectués avec Gigolo se retrouvent dans /home/user/.gvfs/ ,
 et si tu déclare le montage en tant que signet, tu peux demander la
 connexion automatique à l'ouverture de session.
 Si toutefois ça aide :) .
 @+ Christophe.

Je ne cours pas après les photos, elles viennent se faire prendre.
-+- Jacques-Henri Lartigue -+-

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Re: xfce with gtk3 applications?

2015-03-27 Thread mad
I already installed gtk2-engines-xfce and gtk3-engines-xfce and
configure .gtkrc-2.0 and .config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini with Xfce-winter.

And when I strace the test applications from gtk-3-examples or
gtk-2-examples I see the application loading the configuration and the
gtk.css respectively gtkrc. Still only the gtk2 applications use the
theme, gtk3 applications look broken.

More ideas?


Am 27.03.2015 um 10:49 schrieb Mihamina Rakotomandimby:
 On 03/27/2015 12:41 PM, mad wrote:

 I use XFCE and when using gtk3 applications (evince, meld, ...) the
 theme is broken and I can't seem to fix it. I installed
 gtk3-engines-xfce, made sure that the configuration is correct but
 nothing seems to work.

 Any ideas or suggestions?

 You need to use (and install) a theme that has a GTK2 and GTK3 variation.
 And of course, you install the gtk2 and gtk3 version of that theme.

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Re: Vitesse de transfert depuis/vers un répertoire monté avec sshfs

2015-03-27 Thread Bernardo
Ce qui est sûr, c'est que certaines applications vont plus vite que d'autres
pour transférer un fichier : 15 s pour pcmanfm vs 15 min pour thunar...

Le 27/03/2015 11:29, maderios a écrit :
 On 03/27/2015 07:15 AM, Bernardo wrote:
 Le problème, apparemment, c'est le temps mis par certaines applications
 pour chiffrer :-(
 Je doute que ce soit une application qui ralentisse le débit. C'est ssh
 qui fait le travail de cryptage et non l'application. J'utilise sshfs en
 console localement. Le débit est de 2 ou 2,5 Mo/s maxi.

Il existe deux types de gens :
ceux qui divisent les gens en deux catégories, et les autres.

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Re: Vitesse de transfert depuis/vers un répertoire monté avec sshfs

2015-03-27 Thread Christophe


Le 27/03/2015 07:23, Bernard Siorat a écrit :


J'ai testé bien sûr : Gigolo monte une liaison réseau en sftp qui fonctionne
d'ailleurs très bien.

sshfs lui monte un disque|répertoire distant comme un répertoire système, sur
un point de montage fixe /media/monrep

Je t'accorde que c'est un montage moins permanent qu'avec sshfs, mais 
les montages effectués avec Gigolo se retrouvent dans 
/home/user/.gvfs/ , et si tu déclare le montage en tant que signet, tu 
peux demander la connexion automatique à l'ouverture de session.

Si toutefois ça aide :) .


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Re: xfce with gtk3 applications?

2015-03-27 Thread Alexis

mad writes:

More ideas?

It might be that gnome-settings-daemon needs to be running, 
although doing so might well mess with XFCE's settings setup 


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upload sature dans un tunnel openvpn

2015-03-27 Thread Samuel

Bonjour à tous,

Sur une VM Wheezy à la maison, j'ai monté 2 tunnels (2 lignes adsl) vers 
un serveur OVH
Ils sont montés de manière classique et à priori optimisé : connexion en 
UDP et pas de chiffrement (cypher none) et en interface tap (car bonding 

Quand je fais un gros téléchargement (disons une video youtube) par les 
lignes adsl, je download à 13Mbit avec un upload (d'après zabbix) très 
léger : peut-être 200 à 500 kb

Quand je route les IP google (208. , 173. etc ...) au travers du 
bonding des tap, je constate une baisse à moins de 10Mbit sur chaque 
ligne ...; et je constate que mon upload et complètement saturé (1 Mbit) 
sur chaque ligne au travers des tunnels vpn.

Les tests sont faits quand il n'y a pas d'autre charge sur le réseau 
interne ou externe.

Question : Avez-vous aussi remarqué un upload énorme lors de gros 
téléchargements via openvpn ?

Merci d'avance.

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Re: Vitesse de transfert depuis/vers un répertoire monté avec sshfs

2015-03-27 Thread maderios

On 03/27/2015 07:15 AM, Bernardo wrote:

Le problème, apparemment, c'est le temps mis par certaines applications pour
chiffrer :-(
Je doute que ce soit une application qui ralentisse le débit. C'est ssh 
qui fait le travail de cryptage et non l'application. J'utilise sshfs en 
console localement. Le débit est de 2 ou 2,5 Mo/s maxi.


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Re: Problem with accessing external USB HDD

2015-03-27 Thread Petter Adsen
On Fri, 27 Mar 2015 14:12:24 +0800
Bret Busby wrote:

 On 27/03/2015, Bob Proulx wrote:
  Bret Busby wrote:
  I have an external USB HDD connected to a system running Debian 6
  I don't really have any great contribution.  But since no one else
  seems to have any good response I will contribute what I know.
  I have never had good luck with USB connected hard drives.  They
  work for a while.  But then invariably they get dropped offline.
  It might be 3-6 months between events.  But for me they just are
  not reliable. In the past I have tried very hard to use them as
  system disks.  Now I consider that something to avoid.
  I still use USB disks as large floppies.  They are still great for
  being large temporary data stores for holding and moving data
  between machines.  But only when connected for short term use.
  Reading your problems just reinforces this belief.
  [On the other hand USB network devices have been rock solid for me.
  Meaning that while I avoid USB disks I actively use USB networking
  on several machines to add additional NICs.  I am planning another
  site using additional USB NICs.  It is probably hardware dependent
  but they have been working great for me regardless of the opposite
  for disks. And I have three sites using USB sound cards very
  I have tried to transfer data from the desktop intenal HDD, to the
  external USB HDD.
  The file manager shows as being Nautilus 2.30.1.
  I read by your message that you are a graphical desktop user.
  That's fine.  But for transfering large amounds of data the command
  line tools such as rsync are the best in class.  I wouldn't even
  consider trying to use nautilus or other graphical file managers
  for this type of task.  I would highly recommend using rsync.  Even
  if for you it means a stretch to get off of the mouse and over to
  the keyboard.
  The best advantage of tools such as rsync is that it is
  interruptable and restartable with a minimum of lost effort.  I may
  be 1G into a 3G transfer and want to stop it, change something, and
  restart it again.  With a normal copy that would mean copying the
  original data again.  With rsync it means it will examine what needs
  to be done and be able to continue the copy using the already
  transfered data as done and moving forward.
rsync -avP /from/here/dir-or-file /to/there/dir/
  From time to time, as in this instance, I forget (until too late)
  that Debian 6 can not cope with transferring data more than about
  1GB at a time; in this instance, I had tried to transfer about
  3GB, to make room in my /home partition.
  Knowing how flaky USB disks interfaces tend to be I think this is
  most likely a hardware problem.  Doesn't change your situation.
  But I think it blames the right thing to blame.
  In any case I have definitely copied gigs and gigs of data to and
  from USB disks.  It can be very good to make large data sets
  portable on a portable USB drive.  My complaints usually happen
  after the disk has been in active use as a system device for a
  month and then it goes offline.
  The transfer had seized up, after transferring about 1.1GB of the
  3.2GB that I had tried to ransfer, so, after a couple of days of it
  apparently doing nothing, I stopped it, and, as the system monitor
  showed a system load of around 43 (whatever that means - if it was
  as a percentage of system capacity, it could be more meaningful,
  to me). The system monitor currently shows a system load average
  of about 35.
  Let me give a short explanation of system load.  Which is almost
  impossible to say briefly so forgive me in advance for leaving out
  important parts, saying half of it wrong, and still saying too much.
  The concept is the important part here.
  First there is no set capacity.  There isn't a cap such as 5 or 10
  or 100.  Therefore there isn't a way to say what percentage of your
  system is being used by any particular system load.  But it is an
  important indicator of system status and health.  A load of 35 or 43
  are both very high system loads!
  The operating system process scheduler schedules processes to run.
  A process ready to run is queued into the run queue.  If the process
  is calculating PI to a zillion decimal places then it is going to
  use 100% of the cpu until it has consumed its time slice and
  suspended to give the next process time to run.  If there are no
  other proceses then the cpu will be given back to this process and
  the cpu will continue to be 100% utilized forever.
  But what about processes reading and writing to the disk drive or
  network?  In computer speed spinning disk drives are slow.  In
  computer speeds networks are slow.  Web servers are slow.  Say that
  your web browser sends an http GET request to a web site.  It then
  must wait for the response.  Your web browser is ready to run.  But
  it can't.  It is waiting for 

qemu with KVM support compared to professional virtualization products from VMware or Oracle

2015-03-27 Thread Martin T

I need to virtualize few dozen virtual-machines for production
environment under Debian host-machine. I like the KISS principle
provided by qemu with KVM support where each utility has its own
specific purpose. For example I set up the virtual switch with
ip/brctl utility or use single qemu executable to crate
virtual-machines. However, is qemu with KVM support as
suitable(stability, reliability) for production environment as so to
say professional virtualization products from VMware or Oracle?


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Re: qemu with KVM support compared to professional virtualization products from VMware or Oracle

2015-03-27 Thread Petter Adsen
On Fri, 27 Mar 2015 10:04:16 +0200
Martin T wrote:

 I need to virtualize few dozen virtual-machines for production
 environment under Debian host-machine. I like the KISS principle
 provided by qemu with KVM support where each utility has its own
 specific purpose. For example I set up the virtual switch with
 ip/brctl utility or use single qemu executable to crate
 virtual-machines. However, is qemu with KVM support as
 suitable(stability, reliability) for production environment as so to

I would say so. I'm running several kvm machines, and have never had
any problems with stability. As a simple (but quite sufficient)
interface I'd recommend virt-manager to create, clone and operate
virtual machines, I find it just as usable as VMware or Virtualbox.
There are other interfaces that simplify common tasks, but virt-manager
takes care of most of what I need to do.

Also, if there are bugs, I'd expect them to be fixed quickly, as a lot
of (big) organizations depend on kvm. Support for kvm/qemu is also
quite good, there are a lot of people with lots of experience with it
out there.

 say professional virtualization products from VMware or Oracle?

Do you mean professional or do you really mean commercial? I'd say
kvm meets professional standards.

You could just try it out with a few VM's, and see what you think. It
wouldn't cost you anything, except your time.

My VPS provider (DigitalOcean) relies on kvm for their day-to-day
business, as does many other big names in the industry, so you
shouldn't need to worry about it being inferior to VMware just because
it doesn't come with a pricy licence.


I'm ionized
Are you sure?
I'm positive.

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xfce with gtk3 applications?

2015-03-27 Thread mad

I use XFCE and when using gtk3 applications (evince, meld, ...) the
theme is broken and I can't seem to fix it. I installed
gtk3-engines-xfce, made sure that the configuration is correct but
nothing seems to work.

Any ideas or suggestions?


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Re: Redirect HTTPS with Squid3+Squidguard

2015-03-27 Thread Peter Viskup
Unfortunately we are living in real (not ideal) world and there are cases
where the SSL split is definitely needed or should be considered at least.
For example Squid 3.5 coming with new design of SSLBump allowing to do some
inspection of the connection prior the real SSLSplit. That gives you
possibilities to deeply inspect only traffic which you will recognize as

Of course users needs to be properly informed about such technology
deployed in the environment.

That listing of SW providing https inspection on is meaningless as
all today's antivirus SW providing this feature - which can be disabled of for most of the products listed there.

On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 1:32 AM, Bob Proulx wrote:

 Michael Graham wrote:
  Reco wrote:
   Ow. Exactly which kind of consumer-grade hardware comes with SSL bump
   preinstalled? That's very interesting to me as I like know which
   hardware to avoid in the future.
  It's way more common than you seem to think. CERT recently did a blog
  about it and it contains a list of both hardware vendors (like Bloxx and
  bluecoat) as well as commercial and free software.
  Basically if you're selling a web filter or similar security device, you
  let admins bump SSL.

 There are certainly many products that one can buy that do SSL
 inspection.  No one is saying otherwise.  That wasn't the question.
 But are any of those commonly used consumer devices?

 If someone walks into Fries or Best Buy and spends less than $100 for
 a home firewall router such as a Linksys, Netgear, D-Link then I doubt
 it is going to crack open SSL.  I doubt they do because doing so would
 require additional CAs to be installed on user's tablets and other
 systems downstream and that requires too much support and

 Most users would be immediately confused, would consider the device
 broken, would return it without ever knowing that were making the
 right decision of avoiding it but without ever understanding the
 details.  Therefore consumer devices aren't going to go there.

  Given how easy it is for those same admins to push the fake SSL CAs out
  over active directory group policy it's pretty much transparent to most
  naive users who don't understand the difference between https and http
  never mind trying to explain a MITM proxy with a fake root CA!

 Agreed in the corporate environments.  They have control over the
 users equipment.  They often require and issue employees with company
 laptops.  For that type of environment they can do anything.

 The warning is clear.  Don't use your company laptop for your non-work
 anything.  It isn't secure.  Use your own computer, laptop, tablet,
 phone for your banking and anything that needs security.


Re: xfce with gtk3 applications?

2015-03-27 Thread Mihamina Rakotomandimby

On 03/27/2015 12:41 PM, mad wrote:


I use XFCE and when using gtk3 applications (evince, meld, ...) the
theme is broken and I can't seem to fix it. I installed
gtk3-engines-xfce, made sure that the configuration is correct but
nothing seems to work.

Any ideas or suggestions?

You need to use (and install) a theme that has a GTK2 and GTK3 variation.
And of course, you install the gtk2 and gtk3 version of that theme.

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Re: create /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules

2015-03-27 Thread Christoph Pleger

 On my NFS diskless client the 70-persistent-net.rules *is* created and
 updated when booting.  Therefore your strategy would work in my
 environment.  In my diskless boot environment my
 70-persistent-net.rules file would grow and grow and grow as I booted
 different hardware if I didn't actively prune it.

 Therefore I ask, why doesn't it get created in your NFS boot environment?

I do not know. I once debootstrapped an older Debian release into a
directory on the nfs server, added some packages, updated the whole thing
to jessie some days ago and then netbooted the client.

 Are you actively preventing it from being created?

Not by intention.

 Other related ideas: After you have PXE booted your NFS diskless
 client you will know the ethernet address of your network device.
 That would allow you to differentiate the different NICs from each
 other later.  Read through the /lib/udev/write_net_rules script and
 see how you can drive it as you desire.

I know how to create 70-persistent-net.rules manually, but the thing is
that this has to work for about 250 computers, so I cannot do it by hand.


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Re: xfce with gtk3 applications?

2015-03-27 Thread mad
Hmmm, doesn't seem to help.

Am 27.03.2015 um 11:17 schrieb Alexis:
 mad writes:
 More ideas?
 It might be that gnome-settings-daemon needs to be running, although
 doing so might well mess with XFCE's settings setup 

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Re: [HS du dredi] modem 4G

2015-03-27 Thread Gaël

 je suis à la recherche d'un modem 4G pour remplacer mon modem satellite.

 Avez-vous des retour d'expérience, des liens ?

Par exemple!

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Re: upload sature dans un tunnel openvpn

2015-03-27 Thread BERTRAND Joël

Samuel a écrit :

Bonjour à tous,


Sur une VM Wheezy à la maison, j'ai monté 2 tunnels (2 lignes adsl) vers
un serveur OVH
Ils sont montés de manière classique et à priori optimisé : connexion en
UDP et pas de chiffrement (cypher none) et en interface tap (car bonding

Quand je fais un gros téléchargement (disons une video youtube) par les
lignes adsl, je download à 13Mbit avec un upload (d'après zabbix) très
léger : peut-être 200 à 500 kb

Quand je route les IP google (208. , 173. etc ...) au travers du
bonding des tap, je constate une baisse à moins de 10Mbit sur chaque
ligne ...; et je constate que mon upload et complètement saturé (1 Mbit)
sur chaque ligne au travers des tunnels vpn.

Les tests sont faits quand il n'y a pas d'autre charge sur le réseau
interne ou externe.

Question : Avez-vous aussi remarqué un upload énorme lors de gros
téléchargements via openvpn ?

	Oui, parce que par défaut l'interface tap est avec une MTU de 1500, ce 
qui est un peu gros pour faire passer la chose sur un PPPoE ou PPPoA. Tu 
devrais utiliser la détection de MTU max pour optimiser la taille de 
paquets. Si tu demande à OpenVPN de passer des paquets standard, ils 
vont être fragmentés et l'upload va en prendre un coup.

	Sur mes serveurs, en TCP, j'ai forcé une MTU de 1492 et openvpn monte 
un tap0 avec une MTU de 1416. En UDP, la MTU passe à 1418 (au-delà, le 
paquet fragmente) avec les paramètres suivants :

port 1194
fragment 1416
mssfix 1416
proto udp
link-mtu 1492
dev tap1

Avec ceci, je n'ai aucun problème.



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unknown xclients from xrestop

2015-03-27 Thread Ryan Nowakowski
Hey Debian Users!

After a few days, new windows will no longer open on my XFCE Jessie
Desktop.  After doing some research I found out that something is
leaving around unknown xclient resources:

tubaman@livingroom:~$ xrestop -b -m 1 | grep -A 10 'unknown' | head
2 - unknown ( PID:  ?   ):
res_base  : 0x0
res_mask  : 0x1f
windows   : 2
GCs   : 0
fonts : 2
pixmaps   : 0
pictures  : 0
glyphsets : 0
colormaps : 0

Once the resources are exhausted, no more xclients can connect to the
X server.  For example, right now there are about 150 of these unknown
resources hanging around:

tubaman@livingroom:~$ xrestop -b -m 1 | grep 'unknown' | wc -l 

That number will grow until I can no longer open new windows.

How do I prevent this from happening?  

How can I tell what program is causing this so I can file a bug?



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Re: [HS du dredi] modem 4G

2015-03-27 Thread Bernardo

merci pour le lien.

Intéressant, mais ma recherche porte sur un modem 4G séparé, pas sur un
modem-routeur 4G. Ça, j'en ai trouvé plein.

Mais merci de t'être intéressé à mon problème

Le 27/03/2015 12:26, Gaël a écrit :
 je suis à la recherche d'un modem 4G pour remplacer mon modem satellite.
 Avez-vous des retour d'expérience, des liens ?
 Par exemple!

Les mathématiques sont la science de l'ordre et de la mesure.
-+- René Descartes, Regulae -+-

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Re: Redirect HTTPS with Squid3+Squidguard

2015-03-27 Thread Dan Purgert
On Thu, 26 Mar 2015 15:53:04 -0600, Bob Proulx wrote: wrote:
 Michael Graham wrote:
  As MITM proxies in school/business seem to be pretty common in the US
  and the UK.
 I bet your proxy firewall does it too.
 I bet not!  I think you are confusing https with http.  We are talking
 about https here not http.  And even then I don't know of any consumer
 grade firewalls that configure an http proxy by default.  Those tend to
 only be in industrial grade systems for larger sites for bigger
 companies and campuses.  I bet you are thinking of those http proxies.

Not by default per se, but the UBNT EdgeRouter series has the 
capabilities to run the squidguard service from the factory (although 
blacklists, etc. are up to the end-user).

$100 for the 3-port ERL model, or about $150 for the ER5-PoE model*; 
though I suppose it's more a SMB-grade router at a consumer price point.

* note that while it has 5 ports it's in a 2 routed + 3 switched 
configuration, as opposed to the more common WAN + 4 switched layout of 
SOHO stuff from Linksys et. al.

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Re: Celeron quad-core (was: NUC ervaringsverhaal)

2015-03-27 Thread Dirk Ruijne
Jan-Rens Reitsma schreef op do 26-03-2015 om 11:13 [+0100]:
 On 03/20/2015 10:07 AM, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
  Ik heb een paar dagen geleden een NUC gekocht, oftewel een klein Intel
  computertje ter grootte van een pak suikerklontjes, waarin ook nog een
  SSD past.
 Leuk, HTPC's en NUC's met WiDi schijnen de laatste tijd populair te 
 worden als portable workstation. Een werknemer met een NUC op zak heeft, 
 naast een beeldscherm met WiDi, op zijn werkplek alleen nog een 
 toetsenbord en een muis nodig.
Is er al iets als een telefoon waarop je een headset kunt aansluiten, je
monitor inpluggen + toetsenbord en muis, eventueel via een
dockingstation? Dat is natuurlijk helemaal ideaal. Vooral als je werkt
in de cloud.

  De processor heet Celeron maar is best krachtig. Het viel me op dat hij
  virtualisatie ondersteund en uiteraard 64-bit. Hij is goed bruikbaar
  voor het weergeven van full-screen video in HD resolutie via HDMI en
  uiteraard voor kantoorwerk. Hij heeft voor video alleen HDMI, geen VGA.
 De goedkoopste NUC heeft een Celeron N2820 dual-core.
 Er zijn inmiddels een aantal HTPC's en laptops met Celeron quad-cores.
 Tot nu toe: N2910, N2920, N2930, N2940, J1850, J1900.
 (HTPC's zijn o.a. Shuttle XS36V4, Gigabyte BRIX GB-BXBT-1900 en Zotac 
 ZBOX CI320 nano, maar ik betwijfel of de laatste direct werkt met Jessie.)

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Re: Proxy en Google Earth

2015-03-27 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 26 Mar 2015 14:55:11 -0300, Javier ArgentinaBBAR escribió:


 P.D.: No sé cómo agregarle SOLUCIONADO al Asunto desde el cliente web
 de GMail.

Tienes que editar el asunto (en la parte izquierda del destinatario hay 
una flecha que puedes desplegar donde aparece esa opción), aunque si usas 
el webmail de Gmail y editas el asunto el mensaje saldrá deshilado.



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[OT] Re: hola como puedo conseguir documentacion kali linux

2015-03-27 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 26 Mar 2015 14:04:09 -0400, Juan Carlos Betancourt escribió:

(en esta lista hay que evitar usar el formato html cuando se mandan 

 saludos  amigos  necesito  conseguir  algun documento  pequeno pero 
 factible para   este  software que me dicen reemplaza  a backtrack pues
 me dicen que es la  version  moderna   saben  cuales  son  sus  mejoras 
 y caracteristicas en  pc .

No me he entrado de nada... (buscando) 

Ah, vale, que Kali Linux es una distribución basada en Backtrack, bien ¿y 
qué haces entonces preguntando en una lista de Debian? ¿Y por qué llamas 
softare a un sistema operativo? Sigo sin enterarme O_o



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Re: ayuda: Por erro formatee home

2015-03-27 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 26 Mar 2015 12:45:11 -0600, Carlos Carcamo escribió:

 Saludos, necesito ayuda urgente :/
 Ahora sin querer instale una nueva distro y queria compartir el /home,
 una vez lo hice y fue facil, pero ahora no se que paso y manjaro me
 formateo la particion /home borrandome mi carpeta de usuario de debian,
 a pesar que le puse un usuario diferente a manjaro, creo que fue por
 seleccionar el punto de montaje en /home a la hora de particionar e
 En fin ahora perdi mis datos, ya no puedo iniciar session en debian con
 mi usuario, que puedo hacer? puedo recuperar los datos? o al menos puedo
 montar el nuevo /home y crear la carpeta para que debian configure de
 nuevo mi cuenta de usuario?

Descarga algún sistema LiveCD que tenga la herramienta de recuperación 
TestDisk, reza y date 10 latigazos por no tener una copia de seguridad.

En cuanto a la cuenta del usuario en Debian creo que es lo de menos ya 
que siempre podrás crear otro nuevo iniciando como root.



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Re: No consigo que me lea el adaptador bluetooth

2015-03-27 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 27 Mar 2015 08:19:38 +0100, Ondartz Ederra escribió:

 Muy buenas, tengo un Asus X54c y acabo de instalar Debian 7.8 . No me
 lee el adaptador de bluetooth. Cro que dentro de mis limitados
 conocimientos respecto al sistema operativo he hecho de todo pero nada
 de nada. Gracias de antemano

Primero, asegúrate de que el kernel detecta el adaptador (ejecuta lsusb 
o lspci según donde esté conectado).

Después tendrás que comprobar que el entorno gráfico lo detecta 
correctamente (suele haber un applet en KDE, GNOME, etc...)

Y por último tendrás que probarlo de alguna manera, pasando datos de un 
móvil al equipo, conectado un ratón, o lo que sea que tengas conectado al 
dispositivo BT.

Tienes más información en la wiki de Debian:



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Re: LSB Raise network interface taking too long

2015-03-27 Thread Michael Biebl
Am 27.03.2015 um 17:07 schrieb Paulo Roberto:
 During the boot, when it's time to bring the interfaces up, this process
 takes more than 5 minutes.
 The below message is displayed on the screen:
 A start job is running for LSB: Raise network interface [5:16]
 After the timeout the systems works normally.
 I'm using Lenny on a 64bit machine and the systemd init system.

I assume you mean Jessie here.

  It seams the problem is some race condition that results in a deadlock.
 The systemd is waiting for a condition that never is satisfied.


 Mar 27 09:50:36 vali networking[745]: run-parts: executing

I think the problem is the openntpd hook, which calls
invoke-rc.d openntpd force-reload.

/etc/init.d/openntpd itself requires $network though.
So this might be the dead lock.

If you purge openntpd, or remove /etc/network/if-up.d/openntpd, is the
problem gone?

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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Re: upload sature dans un tunnel openvpn

2015-03-27 Thread Samuel

Merci pour ton aide,

Le 27/03/2015 16:35, BERTRAND Joël a écrit :

Samuel a écrit :

Le 27/03/2015 14:40, BERTRAND Joël a écrit :

Samuel a écrit :
Sur une VM Wheezy à la maison, j'ai monté 2 tunnels (2 lignes adsl) 

un serveur OVH
Ils sont montés de manière classique et à priori optimisé : 
connexion en
UDP et pas de chiffrement (cypher none) et en interface tap (car 


Quand je fais un gros téléchargement (disons une video youtube) par 

lignes adsl, je download à 13Mbit avec un upload (d'après zabbix) très
léger : peut-être 200 à 500 kb

Quand je route les IP google (208. , 173. etc ...) au 
travers du

bonding des tap, je constate une baisse à moins de 10Mbit sur chaque
ligne ...; et je constate que mon upload et complètement saturé (1 

sur chaque ligne au travers des tunnels vpn.

Les tests sont faits quand il n'y a pas d'autre charge sur le réseau
interne ou externe.

Question : Avez-vous aussi remarqué un upload énorme lors de gros
téléchargements via openvpn ?

Oui, parce que par défaut l'interface tap est avec une MTU de
1500, ce qui est un peu gros pour faire passer la chose sur un PPPoE
ou PPPoA. Tu devrais utiliser la détection de MTU max pour optimiser
la taille de paquets. Si tu demande à OpenVPN de passer des paquets
standard, ils vont être fragmentés et l'upload va en prendre un coup.

Sur mes serveurs, en TCP, j'ai forcé une MTU de 1492 et openvpn
monte un tap0 avec une MTU de 1416. En UDP, la MTU passe à 1418
(au-delà, le paquet fragmente) avec les paramètres suivants :

port 1194
fragment 1416
mssfix 1416
proto udp
link-mtu 1492
dev tap1

Je viens de tester rapidement, y compris en mettant des valeurs plus
basses sur les tap, mais ça ne change rien.
J'ai aussi essayé de baisser la MTU de l'interface bond0, mais rien de
Quand aux interfaces adsl il s'agit de 2 freebox en bridge, donc à
priori une MTU à 1500 sur la passerelle Linux, mais je vais quand même
vérifier aussi ce point là.

Attention, ce n'est pas parce que la Freebox a une interface en 
MTU1500 côté LAN que la MTU côté WAN est de 1500. Il y a de 
l'encapsulation. Le seul moyen est de tester avec un ping -s (un ICMP 
ne fragmente pas). Si le protocole ethernet est correctement configuré 
(c'est-à-dire en laissant l'ICMP faire son boulot et en ne bloquant 
pas le ping), la MTU est négociée ou à défaut le paquet est scindé en 
plusieurs morceaux (sauf si flag DF pour don't fragment).

Je viens de tester, c'est OK à 1500 pour les 2 lignes (ping -s 1473 -M 
do  - plus haute valeur bloquée)

En règle générale, toujours mettre une MTU à 1492 pour un modem 
ADSL/VDSL, surtout s'il y a de l'IPv6 parce que je n'ai pas encore 
rencontré une pile IPv6 de modem même professionnel qui était capable 
d'être réellement transparente au MTU (1500 côté LAN, 1492 côté WAN 
non annoncé et paf, le trou de MTU).

Je vais donc suivre tes conseils et baisser à 1492 sur les 2 eth de la 
passerelle côté wan.

Je vais essayer avec la détection de MTU ce week-end.

Il faudrait aussi que tu analyses le trafic sortant (sont-ce des 
ACK UDP pour le VPN ?). En virant le bond, qu'est-ce que cela donne ? 
Parce que j'ai un peu de mal à voir comment on fait du bonding en 
niveau 3 (ce qu'imposent les freeboxes qui ont chacune une adresse IP 
publique différente). Cela met peut-être un certain bazar dans les ACK 


Je mets plus bas un log de tcpdump sur l'interface bond, on voit le même 
paquet passer plusieurs fois (mais moins depuis que j'ai mis no-replay 
dans la conf d'openvpn pour la double connexion).

Je n'ai pas encore essayé sans le bond, je vais le faire.

Concernant le routage, c'est la passerelle qui s'en charge en marquant 
les paquets :
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -m state --state NEW -m mark --mark 0 
-m statistic --mode nth --every 2 --packet 0 -j MARK --set-mark 
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -m state --state NEW -m mark --mark 0 
-j MARK --set-mark $sortie_freebox_revolution_defaut

Pour l'UDP d'openvpn, ça dispatche chaque vpn sur chaque ligne ADSL.

Côté serveur :

root@ns5:/etc/openvpn# cat tun0.conf
local 192.9.
port 1194
proto udp
dev tap2
dev-type tap
secret secret.key
cipher none
keepalive 10 120
txqueuelen 1000
mssfix 1416
fragment 1416
link-mtu 1492
nice 10
user nobody
group nogroup
status /etc/openvpn/server-bonding-A-status.log
verb 3
mute 20
cd /etc/openvpn

root@ns5:/etc/openvpn# cat tun1.conf
local 192.9.XXX
port 1195
proto udp
dev tap3
dev-type tap
secret secret.key
cipher none
keepalive 10 120
txqueuelen 1000
mssfix 1416
fragment 1416
link-mtu 1492
nice 10
user nobody
group nogroup
status /etc/openvpn/server-bonding-B-status.log
verb 5
mute 20
cd /etc/openvpn

root@ns5:/etc/openvpn# cat /etc/network/interfaces
auto bond1
iface bond1 inet static
 bond-slaves none

Re: Installer Wheezy + Grub en parallèle de Windows-8

2015-03-27 Thread Anthony Papillon

J'ai déjà eu ce genre de problème sur un PC monté maison.
Si je me souviens bien dans l'ordre :
 - secure boot dans le BIOS ?
 - Problème du partitionnement Windows8 non reconnu par l'install debian

En solution, j'avais reformater le disque via Debian puis install Win8 puis
reinstall Debian.


Le 27 mars 2015 16:36, a écrit :

 J'ai changé le sujet... pour une meilleure compréhension
 de mon problème.


 J'ai scrupuleusement suivi ce tuto :

 Aucun message d'erreur.
 Rebooté et aucun Grub apparait, boot direct sous Windows8.

 Peaufiné avec ce second tuto :

 Rebooté, idem, aucun Grub apparait, boot direct sous Windows8.

 Si je ne peux y arriver,
 je vais devoir intégralement effacer le disque dur,
 recréer des partitions MBR (non UEFI) et réinstaller
 W7 + Debian-Wheezy, avec Grub2 (non grub-efi).

 J'ai l'impression que ce PC tactile HP 13 X360,
 a scotché le démarrage de Windows8...
 et comment le désactiver ?


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Re: Proxy en Google Earth

2015-03-27 Thread Haylem Candelario Bauzá
El jue, 26-03-2015 a las 13:33 -0300, Javier ArgentinaBBAR escribió: 
 Buenas tardes a todos:
 Éste es uno de esos tantos ejercicios para pensar que me regala
 Debian día a día.
 Tengo acceso a internet detrás de un proxy corporativo.
 He adicionado a mi archivo ~/.bashrc las siguientes líneas:
 #Exportando el Proxy CNTLM escuchando en puerto 3128.
 export http_proxy=http://localhost:3128
 export https_proxy=${http_proxy}
 export ftp_proxy=${http_proxy}
 para que acceda al proxy que es controlado a su vez por CNTLM.
 A resultas de esto, tengo
 $ env|grep prox
 Todo anda muy bien... hasta que no anda alguna cosa.
 Si desde una consola en escritorio gráfico ejecuto la orden
 $ googleearth
 el programa inicia sin problemas.
 Ahora bien, si a googleearth lo invoco desde el menú desplegable o del
 inicio rápido (Alt+F2), no accede al proxy, a pesar que las variables
 del sistema KDE apuntan al servidor CNTLM.
 Todo otro programa que usa internet, hasta ahora funciona sin inconvenientes.
 CREO que el problema es que, invocando a googleearth por el menú, hace
 que no lea las variables de proxy, las cuales sí son leídas cuando es
 a través de consola gráfica.
 Por lo que la pregunta es:
 ¿Alguno sabe cómo configurar a googleearth para adicionarle en algún
 lugar las variables de proxy?
 La configuración del programa no tienen ninguna opción al respecto.
 He buscado en la red, y la solución que presentan es la de cargar
 variables de proxy al entorno de consola y ejecutarlo desde allí, cosa
 que ya tengo resuelta.
 Muchas gracias

Sugerencia para resolver tu problema.

Crea un archivo de texto de nombre google-earth y escribe lo siguiente

export http_proxy=http://localhost:3128
export ftp_proxy=ftp://localhost:3128
export https_proxy=https://localhost:3128
exec googleearth

guarda el archivo y dale permisos de ejecución con
chmod a+rx google-earth

este archivo puedes copiarlo en /usr/local/bin/ y luego agregas la
entrada de menú que ejecute /usr/local/bin/google-earth o bien le puedes
dar doble click al archivo.

Lo de localhost deberías sustituirlo por

export http_proxy=

y así con cada protocolo si quieres que el programa salga a Internet

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Re: cronproblem

2015-03-27 Thread Sven Arvidsson
On Fri, 2015-03-27 at 17:57 +0100, wrote:
 Det är mycket möjligt att det bara handlar om vanlig inkompetens, men...
 Jag har editerat med crontab -e och lagt in 30 * * * * root
 touch /data/hejsan, men inget händer. Vad har jag missat?

Det där ser rätt ut tycker jag. cron är igång och fungerar normalt

Ibland är det problem med att cron använder en ganska begränsad PATH,
men touch finns ju i /usr/bin så det borde funka, fast du kan ju testa
med /usr/bin/touch istället.

Förresten, det är systemets cron som du ändrat? Annars är det ju per
användare, men då kan kan du inte köra det som en annan användare.

Sven Arvidsson

Description: This is a digitally signed message part


2015-03-27 Thread jan
Det är mycket möjligt att det bara handlar om vanlig inkompetens, men...

Jag har editerat med crontab -e och lagt in 30 * * * * root
touch /data/hejsan, men inget händer. Vad har jag missat?


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Re: LSB Raise network interface taking too long

2015-03-27 Thread Paulo Roberto

Yes, I mean Jessie. Sorry.

And you were right, removing the /etc/network/if-up.d/openntpd the problem
was gone.

I assume that this file that comes in the openntpd package should not exist.
Am I correct?

Thanks a lot for your help.

Kind Regards.

On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 2:14 PM, Michael Biebl wrote:

 Am 27.03.2015 um 17:07 schrieb Paulo Roberto:
  During the boot, when it's time to bring the interfaces up, this process
  takes more than 5 minutes.
  The below message is displayed on the screen:
  A start job is running for LSB: Raise network interface [5:16]
  After the timeout the systems works normally.
  I'm using Lenny on a 64bit machine and the systemd init system.

 I assume you mean Jessie here.

   It seams the problem is some race condition that results in a deadlock.
  The systemd is waiting for a condition that never is satisfied.


  Mar 27 09:50:36 vali networking[745]: run-parts: executing

 I think the problem is the openntpd hook, which calls
 invoke-rc.d openntpd force-reload.

 /etc/init.d/openntpd itself requires $network though.
 So this might be the dead lock.

 If you purge openntpd, or remove /etc/network/if-up.d/openntpd, is the
 problem gone?

 Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
 universe are pointed away from Earth?

LSB Raise network interface taking too long

2015-03-27 Thread Paulo Roberto

During the boot, when it's time to bring the interfaces up, this process
takes more than 5 minutes.
The below message is displayed on the screen:

A start job is running for LSB: Raise network interface [5:16]

After the timeout the systems works normally.

I'm using Lenny on a 64bit machine and the systemd init system.

# systemctl --version
systemd 215

My /etc/network/interfaces:

# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

 It seams the problem is some race condition that results in a deadlock.
The systemd is waiting for a condition that never is satisfied.

Looking at the journalctl -alb - ( I just printed here the systemd and
networking specific messages)

Mar 27 09:50:14 vali systemd[1]: Found ordering cycle on
Mar 27 09:50:14 vali systemd[1]: Found dependency on
Mar 27 09:50:14 vali systemd[1]: Found dependency on acpid.path/start
Mar 27 09:50:14 vali systemd[1]: Found dependency on
Mar 27 09:50:14 vali systemd[1]: Found dependency on rpcbind.service/start
Mar 27 09:50:14 vali systemd[1]: Found dependency on
Mar 27 09:50:14 vali systemd[1]: Found dependency on
Mar 27 09:50:14 vali systemd[1]: Found dependency on
Mar 27 09:50:14 vali systemd[1]: Found dependency on
Mar 27 09:50:14 vali systemd[1]: Breaking ordering cycle by deleting job
Mar 27 09:50:14 vali systemd[1]: Job deleted to break
ordering cycle starting with
Mar 27 09:50:14 vali systemd[1]: Found ordering cycle on
Mar 27 09:50:14 vali systemd[1]: Found dependency on
Mar 27 09:50:14 vali systemd[1]: Found dependency on rpcbind.service/start
Mar 27 09:50:14 vali systemd[1]: Found dependency on
Mar 27 09:50:14 vali systemd[1]: Found dependency on
Mar 27 09:50:14 vali systemd[1]: Found dependency on
Mar 27 09:50:14 vali systemd[1]: Found dependency on
Mar 27 09:50:14 vali systemd[1]: Breaking ordering cycle by deleting job
Mar 27 09:50:14 vali systemd[1]: Job rpcbind.service/start deleted to break
ordering cycle starting with
Mar 27 09:50:30 vali networking[745]: run-parts: executing
Mar 27 09:50:31 vali networking[745]: Configuring interface lo=lo (inet)
Mar 27 09:50:31 vali networking[745]: run-parts --exit-on-error --verbose
Mar 27 09:50:31 vali networking[745]: run-parts: executing
Mar 27 09:50:31 vali networking[745]: run-parts: executing
Mar 27 09:50:31 vali networking[745]: run-parts: executing
Mar 27 09:50:31 vali networking[745]: run-parts: executing
Mar 27 09:50:31 vali networking[745]: run-parts: executing
Mar 27 09:50:31 vali networking[745]: ip link set dev lo up
Mar 27 09:50:31 vali dbus[726]: [system] Activating via systemd: service
name='org.freedesktop.Accounts' unit='accounts-daemon.service'
Mar 27 09:50:31 vali networking[745]: run-parts --exit-on-error --verbose
Mar 27 09:50:31 vali networking[745]: run-parts: executing
Mar 27 09:50:31 vali dbus[726]: [system] Activating via systemd: service
name='org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1' unit='polkitd.service'
Mar 27 09:50:31 vali networking[745]: run-parts: executing
Mar 27 09:50:31 vali polkitd[832]: started daemon version 0.105 using
authority implementation `local' version `0.105'
Mar 27 09:50:31 vali dbus[726]: [system] Successfully activated service
Mar 27 09:50:31 vali accounts-daemon[734]: started daemon version 0.6.37
Mar 27 09:50:31 vali dbus[726]: [system] Successfully activated service
Mar 27 09:50:31 vali networking[745]: run-parts: executing
Mar 27 09:50:31 vali kernel: vboxpci: IOMMU not found (not registered)
Mar 27 09:50:31 vali vboxdrv[735]: Starting VirtualBox kernel modules
Mar 27 09:50:31 vali networking[745]: run-parts: executing
Mar 27 09:50:32 vali networking[745]: run-parts: executing
Mar 27 09:50:32 vali networking[745]: run-parts: executing

Re: trouble installing Debian testing/jessie

2015-03-27 Thread mizuki
Apparently someone updated the netboot.tar.gz yesterday and new kernel
worked out well, and once again I'm able to install Jessie.
I think what probably happened was a lot of packages being updated on Mar
9th for the base-system install, the kernel in netboot perhaps wasn't

Thank for responses though, very much appreciated!


On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 3:30 PM, mizuki wrote:


 Since Mar 10th, I seem to have trouble installing Debian testing on a
 virtual machine or a physical machine, always fails at step 'Partition
 disk' with partman, it complains:

 The attempt to mount a file system with type ext4 in SCSI1(0,0,0),
 partition #1 (sda) at / failed.
 You may resume partitioning from the partitioning menu.

 This happens during a netboot through a manual installation or preseed,
 using 'regular' or 'raid' method with partman-auto, and doesn't matter what
 recipe I'm using, 'atomic' or expert-recipe, always hit this error,

 Does anyone have the same experince, can anyone advice?


Re: Vitesse de transfert depuis/vers un répertoire monté avec sshfs

2015-03-27 Thread Samy Mezani


Le 27/03/2015 12:02, Bernardo a écrit :


Merci, je ne connaissais pas.

Le 27/03/2015 11:52, Christophe a écrit :


Le 27/03/2015 07:23, Bernard Siorat a écrit :


J'ai testé bien sûr : Gigolo monte une liaison réseau en sftp qui
fonctionne d'ailleurs très bien.

sshfs lui monte un disque|répertoire distant comme un répertoire système,
sur un point de montage fixe /media/monrep

Je t'accorde que c'est un montage moins permanent qu'avec sshfs, mais
les montages effectués avec Gigolo se retrouvent dans /home/user/.gvfs/ ,
et si tu déclare le montage en tant que signet, tu peux demander la
connexion automatique à l'ouverture de session.

Si toutefois ça aide :) .

@+ Christophe.

Je suis aussi en Debian Sid à jour, avec Xfce, et j'utilise sans 
problème Thunar pour accéder à mon serveur ssh.

Je n'ai peut-être pas bien lu, mais as-tu essayé :

- Thunar directement, avec comme chemin 
sftp://monlo...@machine.tld:port/repdist puis copié ton fichier ?

- en console avec scp -P port monlo...@machine.tld:/repdist ?

J'ai exactement les mêmes débits de mon côté.

Gigolo n'est à mon avis plus indispensable avec XFCE (sid), ni les 
montages sshfs/autofs d'ailleurs.


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Re: ayuda: Por erro formatee home

2015-03-27 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 27 Mar 2015 09:21:49 -0600, Carlos Carcamo escribió:


 Ahora tengo un pequeño problema, al inicio del sistema, antes que cargue
 el entorno gráfico, en la consola me sale un error como:
 fsck died with exit status 6


Inicia desde una LiveCD y pasa el fsck a la partición que te esté dando 
error... si no sabes cuál de ellas es verifica todas ;-)



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Re: upload sature dans un tunnel openvpn

2015-03-27 Thread Samuel

Le 27/03/2015 14:40, BERTRAND Joël a écrit :

Samuel a écrit :

Sur une VM Wheezy à la maison, j'ai monté 2 tunnels (2 lignes adsl) vers
un serveur OVH
Ils sont montés de manière classique et à priori optimisé : connexion en
UDP et pas de chiffrement (cypher none) et en interface tap (car bonding

Quand je fais un gros téléchargement (disons une video youtube) par les
lignes adsl, je download à 13Mbit avec un upload (d'après zabbix) très
léger : peut-être 200 à 500 kb

Quand je route les IP google (208. , 173. etc ...) au travers du
bonding des tap, je constate une baisse à moins de 10Mbit sur chaque
ligne ...; et je constate que mon upload et complètement saturé (1 Mbit)
sur chaque ligne au travers des tunnels vpn.

Les tests sont faits quand il n'y a pas d'autre charge sur le réseau
interne ou externe.

Question : Avez-vous aussi remarqué un upload énorme lors de gros
téléchargements via openvpn ?

Oui, parce que par défaut l'interface tap est avec une MTU de 
1500, ce qui est un peu gros pour faire passer la chose sur un PPPoE 
ou PPPoA. Tu devrais utiliser la détection de MTU max pour optimiser 
la taille de paquets. Si tu demande à OpenVPN de passer des paquets 
standard, ils vont être fragmentés et l'upload va en prendre un coup.

Sur mes serveurs, en TCP, j'ai forcé une MTU de 1492 et openvpn 
monte un tap0 avec une MTU de 1416. En UDP, la MTU passe à 1418 
(au-delà, le paquet fragmente) avec les paramètres suivants :

port 1194
fragment 1416
mssfix 1416
proto udp
link-mtu 1492
dev tap1

Je viens de tester rapidement, y compris en mettant des valeurs plus 
basses sur les tap, mais ça ne change rien.
J'ai aussi essayé de baisser la MTU de l'interface bond0, mais rien de 
Quand aux interfaces adsl il s'agit de 2 freebox en bridge, donc à 
priori une MTU à 1500 sur la passerelle Linux, mais je vais quand même 
vérifier aussi ce point là.

Je vais essayer avec la détection de MTU ce week-end.

Merci bien.

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Installer Wheezy + Grub en parallèle de Windows-8

2015-03-27 Thread andre_debian
J'ai changé le sujet... pour une meilleure compréhension
de mon problème.


J'ai scrupuleusement suivi ce tuto :

Aucun message d'erreur.
Rebooté et aucun Grub apparait, boot direct sous Windows8.

Peaufiné avec ce second tuto :

Rebooté, idem, aucun Grub apparait, boot direct sous Windows8.

Si je ne peux y arriver,
je vais devoir intégralement effacer le disque dur,
recréer des partitions MBR (non UEFI) et réinstaller 
W7 + Debian-Wheezy, avec Grub2 (non grub-efi).

J'ai l'impression que ce PC tactile HP 13 X360,
a scotché le démarrage de Windows8...
et comment le désactiver ?


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Re: ayuda: Por erro formatee home

2015-03-27 Thread Carlos Carcamo
El 27 de marzo de 2015, 8:55 a. m., Camaleón escribió:
 El Thu, 26 Mar 2015 12:45:11 -0600, Carlos Carcamo escribió:

 Saludos, necesito ayuda urgente :/

 Ahora sin querer instale una nueva distro y queria compartir el /home,
 una vez lo hice y fue facil, pero ahora no se que paso y manjaro me
 formateo la particion /home borrandome mi carpeta de usuario de debian,
 a pesar que le puse un usuario diferente a manjaro, creo que fue por
 seleccionar el punto de montaje en /home a la hora de particionar e

 En fin ahora perdi mis datos, ya no puedo iniciar session en debian con
 mi usuario, que puedo hacer? puedo recuperar los datos? o al menos puedo
 montar el nuevo /home y crear la carpeta para que debian configure de
 nuevo mi cuenta de usuario?

 Descarga algún sistema LiveCD que tenga la herramienta de recuperación
 TestDisk, reza y date 10 latigazos por no tener una copia de seguridad.

Jejejeje sin dudas me daré 100 latigazos, no pude recuperar los datos,
por suerte los datos más importantes los tengo en otra partición :)

 En cuanto a la cuenta del usuario en Debian creo que es lo de menos ya
 que siempre podrás crear otro nuevo iniciando como root.
Al final di por perdidos los datos, debian siguió tratando de
encontrar el home, lo que hice es crear la carpeta home asignarla a mi
usuario y editar el archivo /etc/fstab para que reconozca la nueva
partición donde esta el home y puede iniciar session, y como era de
esperar perdí toda la configuración que anteriormente tenia, pero mi
sistema sigue funcionando correctamente :)

Ahora tengo un pequeño problema, al inicio del sistema, antes que
cargue el entorno gráfico, en la consola me sale un error como:

fsck died with exit status 6

luego me pide que revise el archivo /var/log/fsck/checkfs

y me da la opcion de loguearme como root o presionar ctrl+d para
continuar con el inicio del sistema:

revise el archivo y tiene lo siguiente:

# cat /var/log/fsck/checkfs
Log of fsck -C -R -A -a
Fri Mar 27 06:26:04 2015

fsck from util-linux 2.20.1
open: No such file or directory
dosfsck 3.0.13, 30 Jun 2012, FAT32, LFN
shared_home: clean, 2401/9830400 files, 708468/39321599 blocks
fsck died with exit status 6

Fri Mar 27 06:26:04 2015

El archivo /etc/fstab tiene lo siguiente:

cat /etc/fstab
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a
# device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices
# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
# file system mount point   type  options   dump  pass
# / was on /dev/sda2 during installation
UUID=1fe636d3-c444-4057-982f-5740bed1cc43 /   ext4
errors=remount-ro 0   1
# /boot/efi was on /dev/sda1 during installation
UUID=D5BE-3745  /boot/efi   vfatdefaults0   1
# /home was on /dev/sda3 during installation
#antes de perder los datos
#UUID=b15cd331-9bda-4843-9d16-6e95869b6322 /home   ext4
defaults0   2
#nueva ubicación del home
UUID=97884103-8a83-447b-82f5-15ffea4378cc /home ext4 defaults 0 2
# swap was on /dev/sda4 during installation
UUID=6f805807-9a3f-4afb-872b-714e8281eec7 noneswapsw
   0   0
/dev/sr0/media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0   0

Alguna idea del lo que sucede?

El desarrollo no es material es un estado de conciencia mental

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Re: cronproblem

2015-03-27 Thread Peter Krefting

Jag har editerat med crontab -e och lagt in 30 * * * * root 
touch /data/hejsan, men inget händer. Vad har jag missat?

crontab -e som vanlig användare? Då är det sjätte fältet kommandot som 
ska köras, dvs. du försöker köra

  root touch /data/hejsan

vilket jag misstänker inte fungerar så bra. Formatet med användar-id 
används i /etc/cron.d

Dagens tips: Lägg till raden


överst i crontab-filen, så att status-meddelandet skickas till rätt 

\\// Peter -

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Re: Planning a new Debian box!

2015-03-27 Thread Paul E Condon
On 20150326_2355-0400, Bob Bernstein wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 09:09:28PM -0600, Paul E Condon wrote:
  ...some BIOS code that blocks copying a backup copy of Win7 in 
  a hidden partition on HD...
 Now, see? That's some hardcore M$ crap right there! Thas what
 I'm talkin 'bout!
  To get rid of this hidden partition, you will have to use dd 
  to overwrite it with zero bytes.
 I don't see (yet) that I must get rid of it. I don't care a fig 
 about pure Debian. Am I wrong? BUT, if it (said nefarious 
 hidden partition) is going to come back and bite me my grubs
 later, then I might begin to feel differently about that crummy 
 old no-good M$ hidden partition. Will it do that?
  After that, you have a pure Debian box or...if you don't 
  succeed in getting Debian installed you have a oddly shaped 
  boat anchor.
 I am already well stocked with odd boat anchors thank you very 
 much. It takes a small act of congress for me to convince my 
 local town recycling mafiosi to actually pick them up if I 
 manage to heave them onto the sidewalk.
  IMHO, it is definitely *not* a no-brainer.
 If there's anything that can be said about this Friday night's 
 debian-user crowd, it is that there are very few no-brainers 
 among us. I detect rather a few big brains out there. You know 
 who you are!
  You might, instead, investigate buy a new SATA drive, maybe 
  larger than the one containing Win7 and install the new SATA.
 How soon can you get a check to me?
  I may be wrong in all these points...
 Now, sir, you are clearly an honest man for saying that. Mencken 
 was reputed to sign off on letters in which he had no particular 
 interest (nor in their authors) like so:
 You may be right,
 (Thanks *all*)
 Bob Bernstein


I was playing with the role of paranoid, sorry. The fact is that
Microsoft does not make it easy to convert old Dells to beneficial
use. It took dd about 30 hours to wipe the disk in my old Dell. I
don't recall having to do that a few years ago. I do recall lots
of writings of how easy it is to put Linux on Windows computers a
few years ago, and not so much now. The internal HD in the Dells
are skimpy compared with new computers sold at Costco. You have
convinced me that I needn't have warned you on any of the points
that I mentioned.

Kind regards,
Paul E Condon

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Re: cronproblem

2015-03-27 Thread Michael Kjörling
On 27 Mar 2015 17:57 +0100, from
 Jag har editerat med crontab -e och lagt in 30 * * * * root
 touch /data/hejsan, men inget händer. Vad har jag missat?

Om du använder crontab -e så ska du INTE ange användarnamn, så stryk
root så bör det fungera.

Om du är inne och redigerar filer i /etc/cron.* så SKA du ange
användarnamn precis på det sätt du gjort, annars blir det fel åt andra

Jag antar att radbrytningen bara har med eposten att göra och inte
faktiskt finns i cron-filen...

Michael Kjörling • •
OpenPGP B501AC6429EF4514
 “People who think they know everything really annoy
 those of us who know we don’t.” (Bjarne Stroustrup)

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Re: cronproblem

2015-03-27 Thread jan
On Fri, 27 Mar 2015 19:39:35 +
Michael Kjörling wrote:

 On 27 Mar 2015 17:57 +0100, from
  Jag har editerat med crontab -e och lagt in 30 * * * * root
  touch /data/hejsan, men inget händer. Vad har jag missat?
 Om du använder crontab -e så ska du INTE ange användarnamn, så stryk
 root så bör det fungera.
 Om du är inne och redigerar filer i /etc/cron.* så SKA du ange
 användarnamn precis på det sätt du gjort, annars blir det fel åt andra
 Jag antar att radbrytningen bara har med eposten att göra och inte
 faktiskt finns i cron-filen...

Jo, det är eposten. Intressant påpekande det här med användarnamn.
Jag får väl travestera USAnerna 1973 (Going metric inch by inch.)
Learning system administration step by step.

Tack alla för visat intresse.


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Zimowisko Linuksowe 2015 i 2013.

2015-03-27 Thread Krzysztof Zubik

W dniu 23.03.2015 o 08:34, Michał Olber pisze:
 W dniu 2015-03-22 o 23:42, Michał Żuchowski pisze:
 Tak. Ale jest problem bo nie ma komu tego zrobić :)
 Są jacyś ochotnicy?
 W dniu 22 marca 2015 21:29 użytkownik Krzysztof Zubik napisał:

 Czy podobnie jak w latach poporzednich
 pod bedziemy
 mieli linki do materialow, zdjec i filmow.
 Prawda jest, ze mamy ich kilka na facebookowym wydarzeniu.
 Przyjemnie by bylo pozniej cos wiecej poogladac i miec tez 

 U nas dodaliśmy materiały wideo :-)

 Michał Olber
Organizatorom i prelegentom naleza sie podziekowania za urzadezenie
po raz kolejny swietniego Zimowiska i przed chwilka
dodanie udostepnionych  materialow, zdjec i filmow.
One pod

--- Zimowisko -2013. ---
Wczoraj dodalem moje zdjecia.
One pod
Milego Ogladania. :)

Open Source jest dziś największym i najważniejszym nurtem w sektorze IT 
- albo dasz się ponieść na fali, albo utoniesz próbując płynąć pod prąd...

Konczac Zycze Zdrowych i Wesolych Swiat Wielkanocnych. Krzysztof.

Registered Linux User: 253243
Powered by Aurox 11.0, Ubuntu Studio 8.04 i Fedora 9.0
Krzysztof Zubik. | |

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Re: Vitesse de transfert depuis/vers un répertoire monté avec sshfs

2015-03-27 Thread maderios

On 03/27/2015 11:35 AM, Bernardo wrote:

Ce qui est sûr, c'est que certaines applications vont plus vite que d'autres
pour transférer un fichier : 15 s pour pcmanfm vs 15 min pour thunar...
 Le plus simple serait de transférer les fichiers directement à partir 
de la console pour éliminer une cause possible du pb. Par ailleurs, 
Thunar est peut être installé avec des dépendances facultatives, ex 
gvfs, qui n'arrangent rien...

Le 27/03/2015 11:29, maderios a écrit :

On 03/27/2015 07:15 AM, Bernardo wrote:

Le problème, apparemment, c'est le temps mis par certaines applications
pour chiffrer :-(

Je doute que ce soit une application qui ralentisse le débit. C'est ssh
qui fait le travail de cryptage et non l'application. J'utilise sshfs en
console localement. Le débit est de 2 ou 2,5 Mo/s maxi.


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Re: cronproblem

2015-03-27 Thread jan
On Fri, 27 Mar 2015 20:08:21 +0100 (CET)
Peter Krefting wrote:
  Jag har editerat med crontab -e och lagt in 30 * * * * root 
  touch /data/hejsan, men inget händer. Vad har jag missat?
 crontab -e som vanlig användare? Då är det sjätte fältet kommandot
 som ska köras, dvs. du försöker köra
root touch /data/hejsan
 vilket jag misstänker inte fungerar så bra. Formatet med användar-id 
 används i /etc/cron.d
 Dagens tips: Lägg till raden
 överst i crontab-filen, så att status-meddelandet skickas till rätt 

Tack Peter.


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Re: Installer Wheezy + Grub en parallèle de Windows-8

2015-03-27 Thread jbernon
J'ai installé Wheezy (et upgradé ensuite vers Jessie) sur un portable avec 
Windows 8. Dans mon souvenir (ça remonte à septembre 2014) j'ai : 
- défini les partitions pour Debian à partir de Windows ; 
- décoché le secure boot dans le BIOS 
- installé Wheezy à partir du CD d'installation que j'avais préalablement gravé 
selon les instructions du site Debian ( 
- le boot uefi a été créé par l'installateur (il me semble avoir eu une 
question sur ce point, mais je n'en suis plus sûr ) 
- au démarrage j'ai un menu avec Debian par défaut et 3 autres choix : Debian 
en single user, Windows, BIOS. 

- Mail original -

 De: Anthony Papillon
 Envoyé: Vendredi 27 Mars 2015 18:22:42
 Objet: Re: Installer Wheezy + Grub en parallèle de Windows-8


 J'ai déjà eu ce genre de problème sur un PC monté maison.
 Si je me souviens bien dans l'ordre :
 - secure boot dans le BIOS ?
 - Problème du partitionnement Windows8 non reconnu par l'install

 En solution, j'avais reformater le disque via Debian puis install
 Win8 puis reinstall Debian.


 Le 27 mars 2015 16:36,  a écrit :

  J'ai changé le sujet... pour une meilleure compréhension
  de mon problème.


  J'ai scrupuleusement suivi ce tuto :

  Aucun message d'erreur.
  Rebooté et aucun Grub apparait, boot direct sous Windows8.

  Peaufiné avec ce second tuto :

  Rebooté, idem, aucun Grub apparait, boot direct sous Windows8.

  Si je ne peux y arriver,
  je vais devoir intégralement effacer le disque dur,
  recréer des partitions MBR (non UEFI) et réinstaller
  W7 + Debian-Wheezy, avec Grub2 (non grub-efi).

  J'ai l'impression que ce PC tactile HP 13 X360,
  a scotché le démarrage de Windows8...
  et comment le désactiver ?


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Re: Planning a new Debian box!

2015-03-27 Thread Jordan Langelier
On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 5:54 PM, David Christensen wrote:

 On 03/26/2015 04:38 PM, Patrick Bartek wrote:

 Shortly I will become the owner of a refurbished Dell
 with Win7 already on its 160g sata hard drive.
 I have no need or use for a multi-OS multi-boot
 machine. I only want wheezy on this for now.

 I hated dual-boot -- getting it working was painful enough.  But
 constantly rebooting and switching OS's to get something useful done was a
 PITA.  Hot-swap bays and multiple drives eliminates the first problem (and
 simplifies imaging, backups, restores, and other administrative chores; I
 recommend it).  Multiple computers with one O/S each is best.

After wrestling with making a Windows 8.1/Jessie dual boot box a while, and
finding it unbearably distasteful, my solution was to install physical
switches onto the back panel to turn on/off the Windows drive, and another
to turn on/off the Jessie boot/system drive. I just throw the switches
prior to powering on the box and it works great.

Having SATA drives, I used double pole/double throw switches to make and
break connections to the red and the yellow power leads to the drives in

A benefit to this solution is you don't have to deactivate Windows
hibernate/sleep modes which I believe you must if you do a traditional dual
boot. Also, you cannot obviously use one or the other drives at all at
times, but I have a third HDD which is unswitched and has a NTFS partition
to exchange data between the OS's

question about peculiar svn error

2015-03-27 Thread Comer Duncan
I am trying to extract a public svn software source and have run against an
immediate error returned.  Here are the particulars:

svn checkout http::/xx/yy/codename codename  --username=anomymous

and give a password of anonymous (the approved pw).

the response is:

Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (version 0x40802) with this library

I am running Wheezy 7.8 and have used svn in the past with no such

Can someone help?



Re: LSB Raise network interface taking too long

2015-03-27 Thread Michael Biebl
Am 27.03.2015 um 18:50 schrieb Paulo Roberto:
 And you were right, removing the /etc/network/if-up.d/openntpd the problem
 was gone.
 I assume that this file that comes in the openntpd package should not exist.
 Am I correct?

It's a but in the openntpd package, I'd say.

In general, such hook scripts are evil stuff and should be avoided as
much as possible.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: cronproblem

2015-03-27 Thread Sven Arvidsson
On Fri, 2015-03-27 at 19:07 +0100, wrote:
 Skapas det någon typ av logg om cron misslyckas?

Borde logga i syslog.

Sven Arvidsson

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: cronproblem

2015-03-27 Thread jan
On Fri, 27 Mar 2015 18:42:16 +0100
Sven Arvidsson wrote:

 On Fri, 2015-03-27 at 17:57 +0100, wrote:
  Det är mycket möjligt att det bara handlar om vanlig inkompetens,
  Jag har editerat med crontab -e och lagt in 30 * * * * root
  touch /data/hejsan, men inget händer. Vad har jag missat?
 Det där ser rätt ut tycker jag. cron är igång och fungerar normalt
 Ibland är det problem med att cron använder en ganska begränsad PATH,
 men touch finns ju i /usr/bin så det borde funka, fast du kan ju testa
 med /usr/bin/touch istället.
 Förresten, det är systemets cron som du ändrat? Annars är det ju per
 användare, men då kan kan du inte köra det som en annan användare.

Jag hänger nog inte riktigt med i nyanserna här men jag har kört
crontab -e som root.

Skapas det någon typ av logg om cron misslyckas?

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Re: Planning a new Debian box!

2015-03-27 Thread james

On Friday, March 27, 2015 4:30pm, Paul E Condon 

 On 20150326_2355-0400, Bob Bernstein wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 09:09:28PM -0600, Paul E Condon wrote:

  ...some BIOS code that blocks copying a backup copy of Win7 in
  a hidden partition on HD...

 Now, see? That's some hardcore M$ crap right there! Thas what
 I'm talkin 'bout!

  To get rid of this hidden partition, you will have to use dd
  to overwrite it with zero bytes.

 I don't see (yet) that I must get rid of it. I don't care a fig
 about pure Debian. Am I wrong? BUT, if it (said nefarious
 hidden partition) is going to come back and bite me my grubs
 later, then I might begin to feel differently about that crummy
 old no-good M$ hidden partition. Will it do that?

  After that, you have a pure Debian box or...if you don't
  succeed in getting Debian installed you have a oddly shaped
  boat anchor.

 I am already well stocked with odd boat anchors thank you very
 much. It takes a small act of congress for me to convince my
 local town recycling mafiosi to actually pick them up if I
 manage to heave them onto the sidewalk.

  IMHO, it is definitely *not* a no-brainer.

 If there's anything that can be said about this Friday night's
 debian-user crowd, it is that there are very few no-brainers
 among us. I detect rather a few big brains out there. You know
 who you are!

  You might, instead, investigate buy a new SATA drive, maybe
  larger than the one containing Win7 and install the new SATA.

 How soon can you get a check to me?

  I may be wrong in all these points...

 Now, sir, you are clearly an honest man for saying that. Mencken
 was reputed to sign off on letters in which he had no particular
 interest (nor in their authors) like so:

 You may be right,

 (Thanks *all*)
 Bob Bernstein
 I was playing with the role of paranoid, sorry. The fact is that
 Microsoft does not make it easy to convert old Dells to beneficial
 use. It took dd about 30 hours to wipe the disk in my old Dell. I
 don't recall having to do that a few years ago. I do recall lots
 of writings of how easy it is to put Linux on Windows computers a
 few years ago, and not so much now. The internal HD in the Dells
 are skimpy compared with new computers sold at Costco. You have
 convinced me that I needn't have warned you on any of the points
 that I mentioned.
 Kind regards,
 Paul E Condon

I acquired a Dell Dimension E510 a few months ago. 2G ram 250G sata drive. I 
installed wheezy without any issues. It is running fine as an XBMC media box.

James Richardson

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Re: pdf factuur, xpdf of evince

2015-03-27 Thread Frans van Berckel
On Fri, 2015-03-27 at 22:16 +0100, Frans van Berckel wrote:
 Hoi Mart,
 On Fri, 2015-03-27 at 21:56 +0100, Mart Lubbers wrote:
  Volgens mij maken beide genoemde programma's gebruikt van popplr. Je
  zou gv is kunnen proberen en anders acroread. 
 A-ha met gv werkt dat een stuk beter.
 # gv P2013121221801661.pdf
 Warning: Cannot convert string
 -*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-140-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1 to type
 Warning: Cannot convert string
 -*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1 to type
 Warning: Cannot convert string
 -*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-100-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1 to type
 Warning: Cannot convert string
 -*-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1 to type
 Dat het toch werkt, komt dat door fonts.conf die ik aangepast heb?

Oops de verkeerde txt attachment, uit etc in plaats van uit $home.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Frans van Berckel

Description: XML document

Re: pdf factuur, xpdf of evince

2015-03-27 Thread Frans van Berckel
Hoi Mart,

On Fri, 2015-03-27 at 21:56 +0100, Mart Lubbers wrote:
 Volgens mij maken beide genoemde programma's gebruikt van popplr. Je
 zou gv is kunnen proberen en anders acroread. 

A-ha met gv werkt dat een stuk beter.

# gv P2013121221801661.pdf

Warning: Cannot convert string
-*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-140-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1 to type
Warning: Cannot convert string
-*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1 to type
Warning: Cannot convert string
-*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-100-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1 to type
Warning: Cannot convert string
-*-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1 to type

Dat het toch werkt, komt dat door fonts.conf die ik aangepast heb?

Met vriendelijke groet,

Frans van Berckel

Description: XML document

Re: pdf factuur, xpdf of evince

2015-03-27 Thread Mart Lubbers
Volgens mij maken beide genoemde programma's gebruikt van popplr. Je zou gv is 
kunnen proberen en anders acroread. 


On March 27, 2015 9:43:58 PM CET, Frans van Berckel wrote:
Van mijn Telecom provider heb ik een paar facturen voor mijn
gedownload. Alles van het afgelopen jaar maar eens op orde brengen.

Toen ik deze voor het eerst bekeek was ik met stomheid geslagen. Ik zag
de helft van cijfers niet. Althans ik zag ze niet met xpdf of evince.
Eerst denk je die software is stuk. Tot dat je realiseert deze wel met
een Chrome webbrowsers te kunnen bekijken. Dan denk ik, de terminal.

# xpdf P2013121221801661.pdf 
Warning: Cannot convert string
-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 to type
Warning: Cannot convert string
-*-courier-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 to type FontStruct
Warning: Cannot convert string
-*-times-bold-i-normal--20-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 to type FontStruct
Warning: Cannot convert string
-*-times-medium-r-normal--16-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 to type FontStruct

A-ha dat is helden. Er ontbreken blijkbaar dus fonts. Maar hoe los je
dat op? Of ben ik genoodzaakt lose ttf-jes bestandjes te downloaden?

Of is fontconfig en fonts.conf voor aliassen the way to go? Tot zover,
dat werkt niet voor mij, Gg. Ga maar eens op tijd naar bed toe.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Frans van Berckel

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Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Debian Jessie RC2 installer

2015-03-27 Thread Rolf Edlund
För den intresserade: RC 2 av Jessie-utgåvan av Debian Installer har 
nyss släppts.

Skulle gissa på, att det antagligen blir den sista RC versionen, innan 
releasen. Håller som bäst på att installera den i VBox.


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What is the correct way to set encrypted swap with systemd?

2015-03-27 Thread ~Stack~

TL;DR - See Subject. :-)

I have been testing Debian Jessie on my spare test laptop and with it
being a test box and all, I tested something that didn't go the way I
wanted it to and broke a lot of stuff. :-) I wiped my test laptop and
reinstalled. Now I have the exact same problem as before and to make
matters worse, I have gone through _all_ my notes and I can't replicate
the fix now.

Remember back a few months ago when systemd wouldn't stop fsck'ing my
swap partition?

Yup. Systemd is ignoring me again and fscks on every boot. I have done
everything I can think of and I am back to not being able to stop
systemd from fsck'ing *every* time. I have done everything in that
thread plus all of the notes I took and didn't post. I can't get it to stop.

If I have to go through this pain on every new install going forward, it
is going to really suck. So, maybe I am approaching this wrong? Maybe
there is a new systemd-encrypt-swap service I am supposed to use? Is
there a systemd-luks or something?

I know it has to do with encrypted swap partitions. I proved that last
time and I can prove it this time too. The method I have been using for
a _very_ long time and has _always_ worked pre-systemd is this:
$ grep swap /etc/crypttab
sda3_crypt UUID=ef2496cd-ca4d-43aa-8c90-dba084029f6e /dev/urandom

$ grep swap /etc/fstab
/dev/mapper/sda3_crypt noneswap sw 0   0

Although, I did ensure I was using the path and not UUID as systemd had
issues with that last time.

So what happens? Well systemd has at least improved to the point of
actually putting something in journalctl! Hooray! I am very pleased to
see there has been good forward progress on this front.

$ journalctl
Mar 27 17:05:41 Senta kernel: Kernel command line:
root=UUID=1fc1e143-2347-4d86-928e-f29d154891fb ro quiet splash
fsck.mode=skip vt.handoff=7
Mar 27 17:07:10 Senta systemd[1]: Job
timed out.
Mar 27 17:07:10 Senta systemd[1]: Timed out waiting for device
Mar 27 17:07:10 Senta systemd[1]: Dependency failed for Cryptography
Setup for sda3_crypt.
Mar 27 17:07:10 Senta systemd[1]: Dependency failed for Encrypted Volumes.
Mar 27 17:07:10 Senta systemd[1]: Job failed
with result 'dependency'.
Mar 27 17:07:10 Senta systemd[1]: Dependency failed for
Mar 27 17:07:10 Senta systemd[1]: Job dev-mapper-sda3_crypt.device/start
failed with result 'dependency'.
Mar 27 17:07:10 Senta systemd[1]: Job
systemd-cryptsetup@sda3_crypt.service/start failed with result 'dependency'.
Mar 27 17:07:10 Senta systemd[1]: Job
failed with result 'timeout'.

How nice of it to record and ignore my fsck.mode=skip (and every other
place I told it to stop doing a fsck)...Also, swap is not enabled at
this time. I have to manually start it.

It clearly doesn't like my encrypted swap and it is clearly ignoring me
telling it to not fsck. Thus, how should I change my encryption to work
with systemd?

I have searched for this topic and I have not found anything that
directly relates. I found an article from early last year saying to do
what I already did but I haven't found anything in the last 6 months
that has helped.

Any thoughts or suggestions on this problem?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: pdf factuur, xpdf of evince

2015-03-27 Thread Sjoerd Hiemstra
Frans van Berckel schreef:
 # xpdf P2013121221801661.pdf 
 Warning: Cannot convert string
 -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 to type FontStruct

Dit soort fonts (Helvetica, Times, Courier en zo nog een paar) wordt door
o.a. xpdf intern gebruikt en heeft geen invloed op de weergave van de pdf.
Ik neem aan dat deze waarschuwingen verdwijnen als je xfonts-75dpi en
xfonts-100dpi installeert. Het schijnt dat deze op moderne Linux-systemen
niet meer standaard worden meegeïnstalleerd.

Als er tekens in de weergave ontbreken, dan gaat het gewoonlijk om een
ontbrekend font. Dat is een fout van de maker van de pdf, want alle
gebruikte fonts zouden in de pdf ge-embed moeten zijn. Om welk font het
gaat, kun je nagaan met:

$ pdffonts P2013121221801661.pdf

Blijkt een gebruikt font inderdaad niet in de pdf aanwezig te zijn, dan
zou je dat font kunnen installeren. Het komt nogal eens voor dat in pdf's
fonts worden gebruikt die standaard in Windows zitten, zodat het daar
altijd werkt. Maar dit hoort dus niet zo te zijn.

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Re: What is the correct way to set encrypted swap with systemd?

2015-03-27 Thread ~Stack~
On 03/27/2015 07:35 PM, Michael Biebl wrote:
 Am 27.03.2015 um 23:44 schrieb ~Stack~:
 Yup. Systemd is ignoring me again and fscks on every boot. I have done
 everything I can think of and I am back to not being able to stop
 systemd from fsck'ing *every* time. I have done everything in that
 thread plus all of the notes I took and didn't post. I can't get it to stop.

 Any thoughts or suggestions on this problem?
 Regarding this specific issue: Do you use localtime or UTC?
 If the former, you might be affected by [1]
 If you add a file /etc/e2fsck.conf containing:
 Does that stop the fsck on every boot?

No. I am afraid it does not. There was a theory about it being the NTP
last time around so I already double checked that the clock in the BIOS
is pretty close to what NTP pulls. But I added this too just to see if
it helped. No difference I am sad to say.

Thanks for the suggestion!


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Ideia de Unificação

2015-03-27 Thread Tiago Rocha


Não estou tentando ser mal educado, por favor não me leve a mal.

Mas existem tantas distribuições GNU/Linux e gerenciadores de pacotes 
porque as pessoas pensam diferente, tem preferências e jeitos diferentes 
de fazer as mesmas coisas.

Acredito que não seja possível convencer todas as pessoas de uma 
determinada área do conhecimento (ainda mais se tratando de uma área tão 
ampla como SOs baseados em Linux) a fazerem algo igual só porque você 
está pedindo.

Eu (só para dar um exemplo) uso Debian porque gosto do jeito Debian de 
fazer as coisas, concordo com jeito Debian de organizar o sistema.

O que eu te recomendo é pesquisar um pouco sobre a história do GNU/Linux 
e/ou das distribuições que você usa.
Acredito que pode te ajudar a entender/aceitar o por que da falta de 

Entretanto, sonhar não custa nada;)


On 27-03-2015 21:21, Paulo wrote:

Eu gostaria de sugerir uma unificação de pacotes como por exemplo .lin
uma unificação de instalador algo como lin -install, unificação de nomes
pois dar manutenção depois acaba dando dor de cabeça (http = apache =
Sei que o linux é livre que cada um pode dar o nome que quiser pro
pacote, mas se unificasse ajudaria e muito.
O Kernel é unificado.
Do mesmo jeito que as distros ajudam elas atrapalham.
Eu uso Xubuntu, mas tenho CentOS e Debian para boot em outros HD's e em
máquinas virtuais também.




É bom tudo aquilo que faço que diminui o meu poder sobre outra pessoa;
é ruim tudo aquilo que faço que aumenta o meu poder sobre ela.”
Antônio Joaquim Severino

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Re: Cool things to do with server

2015-03-27 Thread Joris Bolsens
Do you have a tutorial or how to on setting up mailman with that setup?
it seems a little non standard now that I'm looking at various mailman


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Ideia de Unificação

2015-03-27 Thread Paulo

Eu gostaria de sugerir uma unificação de pacotes como por exemplo .lin
uma unificação de instalador algo como lin -install, unificação de nomes 
pois dar manutenção depois acaba dando dor de cabeça (http = apache = 
Sei que o linux é livre que cada um pode dar o nome que quiser pro 
pacote, mas se unificasse ajudaria e muito.

O Kernel é unificado.
Do mesmo jeito que as distros ajudam elas atrapalham.
Eu uso Xubuntu, mas tenho CentOS e Debian para boot em outros HD's e em 
máquinas virtuais também.



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Re: What is the correct way to set encrypted swap with systemd?

2015-03-27 Thread Michael Biebl
Am 27.03.2015 um 23:44 schrieb ~Stack~:
 Yup. Systemd is ignoring me again and fscks on every boot. I have done
 everything I can think of and I am back to not being able to stop
 systemd from fsck'ing *every* time. I have done everything in that
 thread plus all of the notes I took and didn't post. I can't get it to stop.
 Any thoughts or suggestions on this problem?

Regarding this specific issue: Do you use localtime or UTC?
If the former, you might be affected by [1]

If you add a file /etc/e2fsck.conf containing:


Does that stop the fsck on every boot?

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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2015-03-27 Thread Rodolfo V . Frühwirth
boa noite

favor retirar do ar a pagina

Re: Planning a new Debian box!

2015-03-27 Thread Bob Bernstein
On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 02:30:47PM -0600, Paul E Condon wrote:

 I was playing with the role of paranoid, sorry.

Paranoid always works for me. But never apologize. The Canadians 
take it as a sign of weakness.

 The fact is that Microsoft does not make it easy to convert 
 old Dells to beneficial use.

Yup. They are like that.

 It took dd about 30 hours to wipe the disk in my old Dell.

I will not be invoking dd unless there is a general collapse of 
the civil order, which, I'm told, may be any day now.

 You have convinced me that I needn't have warned you on any of 
 the points that I mentioned.

Excellent! I think you know what I'm going to do with this Dell. 

Don't read the manual! Wing that sucker!

I will bludgeon the thing into submission.

It's been years 'n years since I tried to overwrite a M$ factory 
disque. Should be interesting. Hopefully, if I have to rip it 
out I won't bean the cat with it when I fling it across the 
room. He's worth a lot more than a refurb M$ drive!


Bob Bernstein


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Re: Planning a new Debian box!

2015-03-27 Thread Bob Bernstein
On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 04:40:47PM -0400, wrote:

 I acquired a Dell Dimension E510 a few months ago. 2G ram 250G 
 sata drive. I installed wheezy without any issues. It is 
 running fine as an XBMC media box.

Ah. All is not dark and gloomy! Thank you for that positive 
report James!

But, I'm beginning to wonder about this list. I *know* I can 
ease off the well-traveled road into more or less disoriented 
condition, but has anyone noticed that I thought LAST night was 
Friday night? It just caught my eye...

I blame Geo. W. Bush.

Thanks all,

Bob Bernstein


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Re: retirada de pagina

2015-03-27 Thread Adriano Rafael Gomes
On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 10:34:26PM -0300, Rodolfo V. Frühwirth wrote:
 boa noite
 favor retirar do ar a pagina

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