On 2018-10-22 10:29 AM, Richard Hipp wrote:

In summary: The values expressed by the current CoC have been
unchanged for decades and will not be changing as we move forward.  If
some people are uncomfortable with those values, then I am very sorry
for them, but that does not change the fact.  On the other hand, I am
open to suggestions on how to express those values in a way that
modern twitter-ites can better understand, so do not hesitate to speak
up if you have a plan.

The CoC is fine. Don't change it.

We live in a world of offended mobs. The mobs use twitter. Twitter is the cloaca of the Internet -- an open, running sewer. The sewer runs to a cesspool and, as in any cesspool, the largest chunks rise to the top. You can't reason with these chatterboxes, so don't try. Soon, this minor pool will dry up and the mob will move on to a new outrage. Outrage for outrage's sake. There's always a new enemy to smash in a show of force.

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