Turnandcough wrote: 
> Does this mean that when we install the latest version of EDO we are
> also installing 50% of TT without actually having to install TT?


There are - out of my memory - 

1. Output routing to hw interface
2. Passing by asound.conf routing table
3. 2nd Jive_alsa killing
4. Buffer size modifications
5. Screen totally Off
6. Increase key process priorities 

(All this is no rocket science btw. - I do claim I'm the first who put
all those tweaks together as package into the context of improving
efficiency of the SBT)

The measures I've applied, I obviously put  into a slightly different
context, which belongs to a different area of this forum. 
Triode would of course never admit that he also appreciates associated
"side-effects". He intends to survive a bit longer 
over here, so better don't touch that hot potato. 
I'm pretty sure EDO users are appreciating those side-effects. 

Just to mention it.  EDO might even work without above listed measures,
since the main issues seem to be driver and jive related. I'll stop


What's common about the measures is that they intented to increase the
efficiency of a computer system. They'd work on any Linux/Android

Triode had serious problems to get rid of XRUNS in the early days. Even
all my system optimizations wouldn't 
stop certain DACs to run into XRUNS. This led him into tweaking the
Linux audio drivers. 

Just to mention it: USB audio has always been working on the Touch. 

Triode put an amazing effort into the subject and has shown a great
level of skills to make it all available by putting it into the
LMS/Squeezeplay environment. Great job. 

I do limit my appreciation to the Squeezeplay/LMS/driver part of the

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