JohnSwenson wrote: 
> A flac stream carries sample rate information which  knows about 192.
> The method of streaming PCM didn't know about 176 and 192, this was
> added to 7.8. Note  that you have to have both the 7.8 server and the
> 7.8 firmware in the Touch (both sides have to know about 192). Some
> people have upgraded to the 7.8 server and the Touch firmware did  not 
> automatically update, this is going to give you  really weird results!
> If your are either streaming flac, or are streaming PCM and have 7.8
> both for the server AND firmware  in the Touch and you still have this
> issue of only playing the firsttrack, then there is something strange
> going on. 192 PCM is sending a LOT of bits down the network, if you are
> running Wifi or have some issues in your network that could cause a
> problem. Alternatively if the server is running on  a slow computer you
> could also have a problem with this.  
> Near the end of a song the server starts sending  the next  song while
> the player is still playing the last few seconds of the first song. It's
> also sending stuff like the cover artand song info. With a system that
> is just barely keeping up with sending 192 the extra stuff sent at the
> end of the first song could cause a problem. 
> Let's not forget the obvious, do you have random play turned off? This
> has tripped up many  a person (including me!)
> John S.

I did initially have a problem getting the Touch to upgrade to 7.8 but
it eventually caught to LMS a few days ago. I also had a problem when
scrolling through the Touch menu. I could feel it progressively slowing
down until it would freeze up completely. I would then have to pull the
power and wait for it to resume. This has always happened while running
EDO + TT3.0 and a few other suggested tweaks. I can't remember if I
actually tried EDO by itself as I read that sounded a bit thin. My
network should be OK as I'm able to stream 1080p without issues. PC is a
quad core Q9550 with 4gb RAM and plenty of free hard drive space.
I definitely wasn't in random mode either. What is really strange is
that when I played the album from the beginning it would always jump to
track 2 and the cursor would not budge when clicking on any other track.

I think I'm going to flush TT3.0 AGAIN and give EDO by itself a try.

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