Turnandcough wrote: 
> Thank you for the straightforward answer.

A flac stream carries sample rate information which  knows about 192.
The method of streaming PCM didn't know about 176 and 192, this was
added to 7.8. Note  that you have to have both the 7.8 server and the
7.8 firmware in the Touch (both sides have to know about 192). Some
people have upgraded to the 7.8 server and the Touch firmware did  not 
automatically update, this is going to give you  really weird results!

If your are either streaming flac, or are streaming PCM and have 7.8
both for the server AND firmware  in the Touch and you still have this
issue of only playing the firsttrack, then there is something strange
going on. 192 PCM is sending a LOT of bits down the network, if you are
running Wifi or have some issues in your network that could cause a
problem. Alternatively if the server is running on  a slow computer you
could also have a problem with this.  

Near the end of a song the server starts sending  the next  song while
the player is still playing the last few seconds of the first song. It's
also sending stuff like the cover artand song info. With a system that
is just barely keeping up with sending 192 the extra stuff sent at the
end of the first song could cause a problem. 

Let's not forget the obvious, do you have random play turned off? This
has tripped up many  a person (including me!)

John S.

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