On 2018-10-28 at 23:56:45 ToddAndMargo via users wrote:

> On 10/28/18 10:18 PM, Tim via users wrote:
> > On Sun, 2018-10-28 at 22:01 -0600, Chris Murphy wrote:  
> >> The reality is, Red Hat is a publicly traded company and there was
> >> always a very good chance a big fish was going to come eat it,
> >> because it was doing well. Anyway, the ultimate decision now is up to
> >> Red Hat shareholders. Why would they say no though? They bought the
> >> stock to make money, this is their big pay day.  
> > 
> > Ultimately, that's the horrible thing about capitalism.  Things only
> > exist for monetary reasons, they don't really exist to do what the
> > product is for.
> > 
> > And you can say it about anything.  e.g. The commercial phone companies
> > don't exist for people to be able to communicate (what their customers
> > consider their primary purpose to be).  They're there to make money and
> > it really doesn't care how well the communications aspect of it works.  
> "Capitalism" is an insult term made up by Marxists to describe the Free 
> Market, which is "the free and open exchange of goods and services 
> between consenting parties".  Under the Free Market, to meet your
> own needs, you must meet the the needs of your customers.
> Your description of communications customers only caring about money
> falls apart.  If the service stinks, folks go elsewhere.  As a
> small businessman, I can tell you that if I do not meet the needs
> of my customers, I STARVE.  I live it and breath it.  I am only
> rewarded for meeting my customers needs.
> Red Hat has every right to sell itself to IBM, as Lands' End had every
> right to sell itself to Sears.  And I have every right to look elsewhere
> for someone else that will meet my needs.
> I hope Fedora survives this. If not, someone else will pick up
> the slack.


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