On Mon, Oct 29, 2018, 12:47 PM Patrick O'Callaghan <pocallag...@gmail.com>

> Now we're really getting OT. I lived in Venezuela for over 30 years and
> think I know more about the situation there than pretty much anyone
> else on this list. I do NOT want to discuss it here.
> I suggest this thread stay on topic and be limited to specific comments
> on the IBM acquisition and what it may mean.

I agree. My undergraduate was political science and the real world is
extremely nuanced and complicated and treacherous, and the terms used in
politics have almost entirely different meanings in political science.

The vast majority of this thread reminds me of Feynman being asked about
magnetism. YouTube it. It's hilarious and spot on. He's like, 'I can't even
have a coherent conversion about it (with the interviewer) because while
the question is reasonable and interesting, without a basic (which isn't so
basic) common frame of reference every answer I give you, you won't
understand, and every metaphor I use is cheating you of a valid answer and
therefore misleading.'

Single quote denotes paraphrasing.

Chris Murphy
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