Hi Guys,

I wanted to tell you guys about our new green show called ZapRoot.  


ZapRoot is an unconventional bite-sized news show that covers the fast
changing world of the modern Green Revolution.  With sarcasm,
silliness, & sanity, ZapRoot encourages you to have a better time
while making a better world.

We got our asses handed to us by NewTeeVee, see here:

The show is produced by me (Damien Somerset) & Sarah Szalavitz.  I was
the Executive Producer of TreehuggerTV, producer for Ecorazzi, a web
video consultant for GOOD Magazine, and I edit Ask A Ninja.  And if
you don't know who Sarah Szalavitz is, your just not running in the
right circles of nerddom.  She is the Director of Content Development
for Veoh Networks, Produces Alive in Baghdad and controls the
trajectory of the stars and planets in her spare time.

We're big fans of the VideoBloggingList and hope you guys like the show.


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