Cyclone Wehner wrote:
> >
> >Apparently they have Rob Hood first u.k. gig for over
> >3 years last w/e in March. ;-)

Some people here in holland are still trying to book him. All the
promoters say he is afraid of flying. He is supposed to play in Gent
(belgium) in April also. We are still hoping that one day we will
actually see Mr. Hood here in Europe :-))

> Where does Rob DJ or does he focus on production these days? I assumed he
> did a lot in Europe but 3 years away from the UK is a long time away from
> that country. I so wish he could come down here. I'm been bugging promoters
> for ages about it. There's interest, definitely.
> Peace
> C

Klaas-Jan Jongsma

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