> As for Peter Shapiro and The Wire, I don't what to say, except for the
> fact that he edited the recent and particularly dreadful Rough Guide to
> Drum n' Bass Music.
> So there. :P

That's the same guy who also dissed the CoS album, isn't it...? (Sorry, 
couldn't resist ;) 

Something more on-topic: saw DJ Assault's 'Belle Isle Tech' (Mo' Wax)
in a local record store - worth purchasing? And is the vinyl
version unmixed...? It's interesting that UK dance mags seem to have
now all gone into Ghetto Bass...

Peace from an arctic cat,

  e. rautio, also known as pHinn
* the webmaster of pHinnWeb - the old skool, the nu skool *
* and the pHuture skool of Finnish electronic music       *
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.sci.fi/~phinnweb             *
  http://www.sci.fi/~phinnweb/flyers/trebass/ [060500]

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