Hi Tom,

Funny thing to ask. I interviewed Jay Denham a couple of weeks ago and he
admitted he used to be a 'science fiction nut'. Quote: "I wanted to be
Captain Kirl so bad". Maybe you should get in touch with him on the subject.

Aux88 has a sample of 'The Borg' in Xeo Genetic. Pretty cool. I'm a fan (not
a real Trekkie) myself and I'm fascinated by The Borg. In fact they are my
worst nightmare. With all the cloning and technological progress going on
this is the kinda of thing that might result from it in the (far) future.
Not a very pleasant thought right? 

I'll try to think of more. 
Did you use to write for Magic Feet? I really liked that mag; it was the
best around, but I've heard it stopped...


-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Robbins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2000 2:59 PM
To: 313 mailing list post
Subject: (313) To boldly go... info request

Hi all,

I've been approached by the editor of Star Trek Monthly to write an article
on musicians who have been influenced/inspired by (or whom are just plain
into) Star Trek.

I wondered if anyone on the list can think of any? I know lots of
technoheads are into Trek, so tech-related suggestions would be cool, but
I'm looking for musicians from all other genres too.

Particularly useful would be tips on specific releases, lyrics, samples or
songs etc. Also, if there are any Trekkies on the list who can point me
towards good Trek sites or mailing lists/newsgroups, I'd be very grateful.

Er, live long and prosper...

Thanks in advance,
Tom Magic Feet

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