Didn't Kenny Larkin sample Star Tek in one of his records?

Tom Robbins wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've been approached by the editor of Star Trek Monthly to write an article
> on musicians who have been influenced/inspired by (or whom are just plain
> into) Star Trek.
> I wondered if anyone on the list can think of any? I know lots of
> technoheads are into Trek, so tech-related suggestions would be cool, but
> I'm looking for musicians from all other genres too.
> Particularly useful would be tips on specific releases, lyrics, samples or
> songs etc. Also, if there are any Trekkies on the list who can point me
> towards good Trek sites or mailing lists/newsgroups, I'd be very grateful.
> Er, live long and prosper...
> Thanks in advance,
> Tom Magic Feet
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