How come people on this list are so prone to flaming and personal attacks?!
Y'all don't get out enough?

I think women in particular are intimidated by these flames - I know I am.
I've been humiliated on this list once and it's not nice. We all have
something to offer, including you Dance Extacy. Diana is one of the most
pro-active women on this list and a very intelligent participant.

Very few want to address the sexism that exists in this culture on a
grassroots level and I really think it's time we did so. Is it just me who
walks into a record store and instantly feels uncomfortable? It's a vibe.
These kind of experiences hurt your self esteem and make you angry. I am
sure racism works in the same way. It's so arbitrary and hurtful and
frustrating and seems to make absolutely no sense. 

I am no man hater, most of my best friends are male - I love men, I adore
male company and many of my male friends are in this industry - but the
culture as such is not amenable to women and many of my male friends see



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