>yeah and i bet you like trance too *lol*

wow, i'm dealing with an ignorant one here. lol
>thats why i quit buying jungle and am on the 313
techno list.

i'm sure you're lovin those old happy tracks. 
>and if you keep replying to the list w/ my personal
emails im gonna have you booted from yahoo for
violating the TOS. 

damn, i'm scared. i guess i'll have to get a new
handle. too bad you don't understand the meaning of a
mailing list and realise that messages and responses
will be posted. that's bypassed on the tos. ;]

>your messages have already been forward to syops at

heh, i guess you're little child. you can't understand
an argument with such a small mind, thus running and
hiding. too funny LMAO

>i'm sure they'll love to hear about your sexist

heh, i'm sure, they'll just laugh at your stupid

>put that in your happy hardcore trance pipe and smoke
it ravedog.

i slipped it in your happy cheese jungle trance record
bag for you to spin at your next bedroom fiasco on sat
night. hehehehehe



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