you have reposted a private email to the list.An email that was intended to be calm conversation. I tried. you have gone against your contract to 313.

Some of us have been on here for years&years. You, of all people, won't make us leave or won't turn this list into crap.

you will get no more energy from the list, nor myself. You are shunned from the village.


From: Dance Extacy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [313] Re: Girls and Detroit
Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 16:54:59 -0700 (PDT)

>--- Diana Potts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
your welcome. I wasn't looking to give it, but if you
wanna make me better-than thats cool.>

You simply make yourself look dumb, nowone, not even
i, could make you look better.

>I think you should read more books about the
> man/woman psche.

I think you should go back to school and learn how to
spell, psyche, first.

>whether you are male or female, i think you have some
learning to do. with a name like 'dance extacy', im
assuming you are pretty young or just nieve.

I'm pretty oldschool(sick) actually.

>men will never understand certain biological insticts
that women have.

would you just cut the crap already! I and many others
are getting sick of this. This is about music for
fucks sake. Nowone wants to hear your long drawn out
useless rants about the women's cycle and ridiculous
fem-nazi banter.

>most women are raised to be in tune with these
functions all the time, and its what really shapes
society (at least american) and the whole process as
much  of women's reactions are based on these
functions.  Whether a woman is  straight,gay or bi,
they are born with these insticts and thought
processes.  it is what makes

you poor thing, you simply have too much time on your

>men, are raised by most parents with a certain social
standard in mind as  well. they are raised to fit into
a certain place and take on a certain role  in
society-gay or straight. they have thought patterns
and mind types (see  Covey mind typing research)that
women will never understand either. the collision of
these two is what makes much of the world go
what intrigues one sex about the other, its awesome
to watch and observe.


>so, now you can make your comments about me being
500lbs. I'm actualy  600lbs...but after the first 4,
you really just tend to let yourself go.

that was meant as sarcasm to show how stupid your
whole post has become.

> casserole is almost done.

my pizza's done as well

*one bitter fuck*

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