> 2) Derek Plaslaiko ended his intense acid workout at DEMF
> with The Beatles
> "Taxman" from Revolver, which is I suppose the first "acid"
> record that I
> own. Do people that know a lot about rock n roll consider
> Revolver to be
> the first acid record? Pretty clever of Derek eh? Was anyone
> else in rock n
> roll, or maybe jazz/soul or another genre experimenting with the
> psychedelic sound that way way early?
hi "troll" ;-)
As far as I know, "Revolver" dates from when the Beatles and the Beach Boys
were competing, so you may also want to check out the BB's "Pet Sounds"
(which kind of matches "Revolver") and their "Smiley Smile" (which includes
the remnants of "Smile", which was intended as their answer to "Sgt
And I'm not sure of this, but I think that about at the same time, on the
jazz side, there were keyboard players experimenting with the first
proto-synths, especially Herbie Hancock and Sun Ra (this goes really off
topic I guess, but the themes they had at the time, black people finding a
new home in space etc, are very close to some UR stuff ?)
And finally you may want to check Pierre Henry's work, he is most known for
"Psycho Jerk", but still sounds very modern ; I have to check the dates
And as early as the fifties, you already had some amazing "exotica/lounge"
stuff using tons of very weird sound effects...

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