jim proffit wrote:

> 44.1kHz digital recording (CD's) is still in the 20Hz-20kHz range parameters
> like it was when it was introduced. 12" vinyl cuts the bass approx. from
> 50Hz, so CD beats it in the low end. Not sure what limitations vinyl has
> with the higher frequencies... However excessive high levels are not vinyl
> friendly (needle skips).

> I find this (bass cut @ 50 hz) hard to believe.  Is this the cutoff point?
> What is the slope like afterwards? (-3db?)
> I have a few friends who work with subharmonics in car audio, as well as a few
> who work at labels, and the general consensus is that when recording vinyl to
> a digital medium, there is some low (read: sub ) level signal loss due to the
> recording media (or the device) that has to be reproduced using subharmonic
> spectrum analysis.  Just wondering if there is an answer


> Maybe vinyl is more pleasent to the ear because it HAS NO total silence:
> always some hiss in the backgroung, and our ears are used to it because it's
> natural. There's no absolute silence in nature like it exists in digital
> world.
> Proffit
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