> I currently
> am the only girl out of 
> 16 guys to be taking a Cisco networking class at my
> high school... 

> Not 
> only am I a girl but I'm also 17 so I get looked
> down upon by other woman a 
> little bit older. 

Yeah, I'm doing Computing at college and there were
only like 4 girls when we started... now we're down to
2 because lots of ppl dropped out... it's a very
difficult course u c. 

Maybe there is something in girls not liking techno
and IT and stuff like that? I dunno, it seems to me
that most girls look at their (sometimes imagined)
limitations first rather than just going for the
target. Whereas guys have a tendancy to do first,
think after (or not think at all:).   

It's fact that men and women's brains are "wired"
slightly differently, I don't think this makes one
more intelligent or able than the other tho... Men and
women process information differently that's all...

Nick (Dj Pacific:)

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