I make a point of ordering CDs and the occasional 12" from the local
record store, because the owner is a friend. He lets me look at the
distributor faxes so I can order things I like.

When I order digital my favorite sites are Juno and Boomkat.  I have
ordered from Beatport, but I find browsing on that site frustrating.
For one thing, the sort of things they push in their e-mails and front
page of the site are often annoying crap. For another the whole site
is a flash application, which means it's fiddly to work with.  And the
audio samples of tracks sound like Real Audio circa 1998.

Boomkat is my favorite site to browse, and their front page/email
recommendations seem to come out of their own enthusiastic listening,
not some promotion/publicist BS.  Juno is sometimes a bit cheaper, and
their 'editorial' content is more minimal.

I have accounts on about 5 other services that at one time or another
had an exclusive release I wanted.  They don't rise to the level of
warranting recommendation, either because of price, annoying website,
or promotional e-mails that always seem to be about progressive or
trance DJs with fancy facial hair.

I will probably be getting more stuff from Electrofunk.com which seems
to have it's act together now.

I actually find a lot of stuff that's damn good that's free to
download.  One excellent release that comes to mind is Christian
Bloch's release on thinner:

When I run out of things to look at on TheSuperficial.com I browse
around on archive.org -- there's a huge number of self-released
musicians with stuff up there.  You take pot luck on quality, but
there's good stuff if you browse patiently.

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