ps. what do people make of the new KDJ LP?
Can't be bothered. And I can't be bothered with a £6 EP that isn't available digitally let alone anything more expensive. I've totally changed my shopping habits now. If a song isn't compelling on its own merits I don't buy it and if a release isn't cheaper than all the songs I want off of it then I don't buy the whole thing. Simple as that. It feels like I've liberated myself from the ransom of the physical medium. Which is not to say that I don't want to have the stuff on some of those records - just that I can't justify the spend when there is loads of individual tracks that I know I want and I can't even afford to buy all of them.

I'm mostly buying this way too. The 12 has to be at least a couple of nice tracks if I'm to buy vinyl these days.

I'm probs 1/3 vinyl to 2/3 digital right now.

pps. new shti on Sistrum and Balance Alliance is around at the moment too (is this list open to music discussion or is it now dead and replaced by blogs?)
What is Balance Alliance then?

It's apparently Chez Damier's new re-release project.


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