also keep an eye out for the limited Chicago Skyway EP to be released on MOS next month

gavin morrissey schreef:
wow that Arpanet remix is nice, seems to be sold out most places already!

some records I'm enjoying atm

Shake - Levitate Venice
Black Jazz Consortium - New Horizons
Chicago Skyway - Bells
Moody - Anotha Black Sunday
Juju & Jordash - Juju Music Sampler

also looking forward to new stuff

Reggie Dokes EP on Clone
Andres album for Mahogani

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 11:21 AM, robin <> wrote:
On 17 Apr 2009, at 11:13, Placid wrote:

Theres a nice henrik Schwartz remix along with Andres Lodemnn on Fine art
liking the Lodemann cut alot.
Sweet, not seen that.

On 17 Apr 2009, at 11:06, BĂ©renger BLANCHER wrote:

Sebastien Tellier - Kilometer (Arpanet remix)
Amazing remix by the Detroit legend Arpanet. Very sexy and dark
atmosphere. Love it.
...or that. Ta.


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