Great post. Will keep an eye out on the website. Always nice to see techno
on the Internet regardless of personal music buying budget. :-)



> Hello all.  Been reading all of the comments about the
> future/death/life/cycle of the 313 list.  As long as we talk there
> will be no death.
> We all know what everyone's hot button issues are...and sadly, less
> and less of us are actively purchasing music due to many other issues
> that we'll file under "life" or "growing up."
>      Anyhow, I thought I would mention something that might pique many
> listers interest:  Arne Weinberg's label Diametric
> ( has a new release: tangula's
> descending's vinyl, limited to 300 copies....and I like
> it...deep techno with something that most of the garbage created
> nowadays doesn't have-a little funk to it.
> Maybe I'm talking out of school here, but Arne is set to release an
> album on CD as the next project...and then there's a release by a guy
> who calls himself fbk after...the ep is called "the expert escapist"
> and will have some of my best work on it...funky, melodic, and
> on the lookout for that this summer (crosses fingers).
>     I am really excited to say something about this, and will continue
> to give up info as I get it.
> As a side note, I have gone back to using hardware, and there will be
> results to post for everyone soon...
> Cheers from somewhere outside of detroit (but well within its magnetic
> pull),
> --
> fbk
> sleepengineering/absoloop US

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