People start booking agencies without the slightest concept of what it
takes to do the job properly.  They are inexperienced, they might be
incompetent, they might be dishonest, and they might be insane.  Only
the first of those 4 possible attributes are curable.  Many people get
surprisingly far in the business with some combination of those
attributes; they leave behind them a broad wake of hurt feelings and
broken dreams.

Other people that can make your life miserable:

1. Agents -- a good rule is that you should never book anyone who has
a personal manager, unless you can't live without that booking.  For
some reason, once an artist in electronic music becomes big enough to
afford and need a personal manager, they almost always end up with
someone who seems to think it's their job to make every contact with
that artist a living hell.

2. Promoters.  What do people with even less experience, competence,
moral fiber, and grip on reality than booking agents do?  They promote

3. Venue Owners: You run a bar, dude.  You get rich off everyone else
succumbing to their own worst impulses. Yet that somehow gives you a
license to be a giant douche?  I don't get it.

4. Artists.  Why do some people reach a certain level of success and
become temperamental, unreliable, whiny little bitches?  I thought you
worked to become a success to make yourself happy. They seem to
achieve some success and then let the giant bug up their azz take the

Now there are exceptions to those descriptions, and when you find
people that behave professionally and are pleasant to deal with, stick
to them like glue.

There's a reason Windish Agency seems to be the only booking agency of
consequence in the US -- they are good business people and they don't
screw around.  That's why every year Coachella might as well be called
the Windish Music Festival.

On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 10:20 AM, Odeluga, Ken <> wrote:
> LOL.
> I agree partly with Klass Jan.
> [Many] booking agents are evil! :-)

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