Great report - thanks for taking the time to write it all down -
sounds like you managed to fit a lot (maybe too much??) in?  Hard not
to I suppose if you're only in town for a couple of days.

Great to hear all your stories though!



On 4 June 2010 16:40, darnistle <> wrote:
> We arrived in Detroit late Friday morning and made our way to Submerge
> before checking into the hotel.  For such a small store, it felt like there
> was a lot to delve into. I only made my way through half the stacks before I
> had to leave, but I found lots and lots of treats nonetheless.  We also
> checked out the Detroit techno exhibit  upstairs.  I'm glad Cliff (I think
> that was his name) brought it to our attention.
> I also made a trip to Ya Digg records. I was truly surprised when I pulled
> up to the address and saw the building it is in.  I thought I'd written down
> the wrong information.  That was completely NOT was I was expecting.  The
> store itself was a bit hard to find, which was a good thing because I had an
> opportunity to see the variety of other businesses within the building.  I
> guess that is a perfect example of adaptive reuse.  I wonder how many other
> factories have been similarly reutilized? Gotta luv Detroit!
> Ya Digg itself is a small store and still needs to settle into the space. It
> apparently opened just recently.  I didn't have enough energy to dig through
> the stacks, so I limited myself to two small sections and managed to spot a
> number of interesting items in no time. Cha-ching....  Local heads may want
> to check it out, though you may want to come ready to rummage.
> Friday evening I went to the film fest at Detroit Music Hall, primarily to
> see Metropolis.  I've had Jeff Mills' soundtrack for years and I've seen the
> original movie, but never in conjunction.  I thought his music worked for
> the most part, though the ambient sections seemed to work better and more
> often than the beat-driven sections.  Seeing the film while in Detroit
> seemed gave a whole new relevance to the storyline...
> The 'Timeless Suite for Ma Dukes' was curious.  I don't know J Dilla's music
> at all, so I had no point of reference.  The orchestrations did
> sound interesting. However, I noticed that at least two Erik Satie pieces
> were performed in their original and then orchestrated forms yet Satie
> wasn't mentioned, only the song titles.  If I didn't know any better, I
> might assume those were J Dilla songs.  I had to leave the theatre to put
> more $$$ in the parking meter, so I missed the final credits.  Hopefully,
> Satie was given due credit. I still don't understand why Satie pieces were
> being performed during that concert and what connection Satie and J Dilla
> have.  If anyone can explain, I'd appreciate it...
> "The Drive Home" was fun to watch.  The audience reactions were very funny.
> I had to leave early, so I couldn't stay to hear Timeline perform,
> unfortunately.
> After resting a while at the hotel, I decided to check out the Dub Science
> party.  Never found it. I guess it would have helped if I'd been in the
> right part of town... :)  Eventually, I gave up and went to the Black Nation
> party at The Works.  Did Jay Denham and/or Scan7 play at all? If so, when?
>  Granted, I got there pretty late, but by 4am I gave up and went back to the
> hotel.
> I will say up front that Paxahau should be commended for having improved the
> sound quality in the underground stage.  After trying different
> configurations, they actually found a setup that alleviated some of the
> aural problems that have plagued that space.  Standing on the sidelines, the
> increased clarity was obvious but it became even more obvious once I went
> into the pit for the full aural experience.  Deep, chest-rattling bass and
> sufficient representation in the mids and highs to make it somewhat easier
> to discern what was actually going on in the tracks.
> Of all the stages, the music at the underground stage was most often in tune
> with what I wanted to hear at the festival so I gravitated towards it.
> Patrice Scott's set was nice warm-up music.  Since I'd managed to tire
> myself out before the festival even began, I just sat and listened.  It was
> a good way to ease into the weekend.
> I really enjoyed Nico Marks' set too.  I'd never heard of him before, so it
> was pleasant treat.  I liked what I heard so much I picked up one of his CDs
> (he obviously has quite a number) at Record Time and have been enjoying it.
>    Wouldn't mind hearing more of his work.
> Mark Ernestus and Scion's sets were good, but it was much too quiet. Not
> that I was expecting the sound system to be cranked up all the way, but it
> really wasn't loud enough to fill the space sufficiently. What I did hear
> was good but I was more interested in staying out of the sun/heat so I never
> lingered at the main stage for very long.
> Onur Ozer's set was kinda interesting and was the only thing I heard at the
> Beatport stage all weekend that I could tolerate for more than a few tracks.
> Martyn's set was simply excellent and was my favorite set on Saturday!! I
> love how easily he moves between different musical styles while making it
> all cohere.  I danced the entire time and it made me hopeful for the rest of
> the festival.
> After Martyn's set, Excision played some aggressive dubstep. The transition
> from Martyn to Excision was extreme.  I like dubstep, but I'm quite tired of
> only hearing the super hard styles that seem to have more in common with
> heavy metal and hard rock than with dub or 2-step. Excision's set may have
> headed down some other stylistic avenues, but I didn't stay long enough to
> find out. Instead, I opted to go back to the hotel to rest before the
> night's parties.
> I had very mixed luck with the after-parties on Saturday.  The Back Together
> Again party with Orlando Voorn and Anthony Shakir didn't appear to be
> happening at all.  I showed up at the location and they didn't know anything
> about it.  Was the party moved to a different spot at the last minute?
> The Hotwax Heaven party appeared to not be happening either.  I was turned
> away at the door and directed around the corner, which would have been the
> drum-n-bass party I was also going to check out.  That party apparently was
> shut down too, so instead I headed over to the Theo Parrish/Larry Heard
> party.  I missed Larry's set, which I hear was quite good.  The place was
> very crowded and hot and too dark for me to see very much. I assume the
> person spinning while I was there was Theo, who I'm not that fond of.  The
> only reason I went was because I was hoping to hear some groovy house, which
> I did hear in the beginning until it seemed to devolve into some obscure 70s
> funk shtick.  YAWN.  The best thing about that party was the delicious
> "Techno Magic" beverage I bought at the front counter.  That really helped
> me get through the rest of the night and the next afternoon.
> I swung by the Detroit Techno Militia party, which was fun. I wonder why
> there wasn't a sign on the front door directing people to enter at the back
> of the building?  Anyway, the music was great and I was glad to see some
> kick queens there camping it up.  That was a very fun way to end a late
> night.
> I was slow to get out of bed on Sunday.  I knew I had a long day and night
> ahead of me and tried to conserve as much energy as possible. I completely
> missed DJ Pierre's set.  I had to squeeze in more record shopping at some
> point, so unfortunately Pierre had to be sacrificed.
> I caught the tail end of Larry Heard's set, which I enjoyed.  Too bad I
> missed his set the night before.
> Orlando Voorn's set:  GOLLY!!!  That was rockin'!  WHEW!!  I loved how
> energetic they were!  Very infectious.  The Model 500 cover was surprising
> too.
> K Hand's set was good, clean fun as well.  She seemed to really enjoy the
> crowd.
> Unfortunately, I didn't catch much of Anthony Shakir's set.  The tracks
> seemed interesting but the set sounded a bit unfocused.  I could be wrong
> though, because I was very distracted at the time.
> I heard part of Cassy's set.  I liked her Panorama Bar mix CD and hoped that
> she'd bring something interesting to Beatport mnml-fest.  To be honest, I
> found watching her demeanor more interesting that the music she played.  She
> seemed to have a calm, masterful gaze when she looked at the audience.  My
> more cynical side tends to believe that she could tell how little it would
> take to please that crowd, as long as the bass was dropped out for several
> bars then brought back in booming fashion...
> The high point on Sunday, and my favorite DJ set of the entire festival, was
> DJ Rolando's set at the underground stage!!!  WOW OH WOW!!!!!!  Now **THAT**
> was the kind of music I drove 13 hours to hear!!  Rolando really served
> it!!! Just thinking about his set makes me wiggle :)
> I did sneak away a few times to check out Derrick Carter.  His set was good,
> but Rolando had me hooked so I couldn't stay away for long.
> On the other hand, Robert Hood's set was the BIGGEST disappointment for me
> on so many levels!!  I had such high hopes, but what I heard was so
> uninteresting and so unlike Robert Hood that I was really shocked.    I
> wanted to like it, but in the end I was completely underwhelmed.  Bring me
> polyrhythms, dammit, not some simple beats, simple effects and trite
> atmospherics.   Considering how the crowd lapped it up, I must have been in
> the minority.  I guess the bass was booming enough to keep them satisfied.
>  If he had performed at the Beatport stage he would have fit in perfectly.
>  I left after a while and came back, hoping that the music would have
> progressed, but alas no....oh well....
> On the other hand, Derrick May's set at the Movement stage was fantabulous,
> but that goes without saying!!  I've never been given any reason to expect
> any less from him.  It is nice to listen to someone who has mastered the art
> of DJing and can play a fluid set that covers a range of
> styles/moods/textures.  I love being taken on an aural journey with some
> surprises along the way.
> Inner City was truly FUN and I'm very glad I got to see them perform!!
> After the festival, I went to the hotel to nap before going to the Metroplex
> party.  I got to the party around 4am.  Apparently, I'd already missed Buzz
> Goree, Robert Hood, DJ Stingray and Kevin Saunderson, which truly bummed me
> out because they were the ones I wanted to hear most. Juan's set was good
> and Derrick's set was even better than the one he played at the festival.
> The DJ who was playing on the first floor when I first got there played a
> lot of high speed ghetto tech and electro.  I didn't have the mental energy
> to listen to anything that fast at that hour, let alone dance to it.
>  However, the DJ who came on after him played some similar styles, but at a
> more reasonable pace so I stuck around for a while.  Not sure who it was,
> but I liked what he played.  If anyone could tell me who was spinning on the
> first floor around 5am, I'd appreciate it.
> My wife and I left the Metroplex party sometime after 7am.  I took her back
> to the hotel then left to check out some of the morning parties.
> The party at Old Miami was so much fun!!  I haven't been to a morning party
> since the Goa trance days and it reminded me how nice it is to start (or
> end) the day like that.  Some of the attendees looked very fresh and awake,
> as if they were starting the day at the party, which adds a fresh energy to
> the proceedings, as opposed to people like me who were ending their night
> and running on sunlight, orange juice and pure vibe at that point. The music
> was tolerable enough, but when the atmosphere is that perky it can make up
> for lackluster DJs and an utter lack of sleep.
> I also swung by the morning party at the Atlas Bldg on Gratiot, which looked
> like it would have been interesting. At that point I think it after 9am. I
> knew that if I stopped I would have to stay for a while to get a sense of
> the party.  Sleep was more important, so instead I drove by, listened from
> the street then went to the hotel to get some sleep. I do wish I'd had more
> energy at that point or I would have lingered.  The crowd looked very fun
> and the music I could hear from the street sounded very interesting.
> As it happens every year, by Monday the lack of sleep and fatigue from
> running around town all day and night had majorly caught up with me.  I
> slept as late as I could then stayed in bed just resting.  I was determined
> to hear Mauritz von Oswald, rain or shine, but my body would not cooperate.
>  By time I got to the festival, I'd missed their set. :((((
> Since I wasn't engaged by the other acts playing at the time, I decided to
> go to Forans for a drink.  I haven't been there in years so it was nice to
> be back. Too bad the DJ played such a monotonous set.  Oh well. Forans
> itself is nice to just hang out in, so I decided to indulge and drank myself
> silly before heading back to the festival to hear Pullen and Minx.
> DJ Minx sent me into orbit!!!  I had high hopes for her set and she
> definitely delivered the goods.  I danced more than I thought I would have
> been able to considering just how utterly exhausted I was at that point.
>  Thus is the power of a good DJ set!
> Every now and then I tore myself away from Minx to hear Stacey.  His set was
> good, from the bits and pieces I heard.
> Kenny Larkin's live set was inspired and deliciously groovy. It sounded
> particularly tight and well executed.
> Model 500 was very good and invigoratingly loud.  The Battlestar Galactica
> outfits added to the ghetto-Kraftwerk mystique, which was great.  Too bad
> they didn't play 'Neptune'.
> Half-dead or not, I was still determined to go to at least one after-party
> Monday night.  I decided to skip the DJ Assault party at Oslo and take a
> chance on someone I'd never heard of before so I went to the Dwayne Jensen
> party on Porter St.  The first DJ played some truly monotonous,
> amateurish-sounding techno.  Dreadful! I was afraid that I'd made a bad
> choice on my last night in town.  I was tempted to leave after 30 minutes,
> but decided to see wait to see what the next DJ would do.
> I'm glad I did wait.  Dwayne's DJ set was much more interesting techno with
> some housey stylings thrown in.  It sorta reminded me of Mark Williams,
> though less driving. The tracks seemed to go on a little too long, but they
> still had potential.  After a while, one of the guys in the club, who was
> decked out in a pimp suit with sensible shoes to match, grabbed the
> microphone and started singing!!  I was pleasantly surprised to be treated
> to house music with live male vocals!!  I made sure to grab one of the free
> CDs.
> Had to leave after a while so I could be sufficiently conscious for the
> 13-hour drive home.  I listened to the CD in the car and it has potential.
>  The tracks could definitely use some tightening, but at least there's
> something of interest there.  I'm glad I took the chance and found a new
> artist who'll hopefully continue improving his production skills.
> The Beatport stage seemed to be nothing but minimal eurotechno every time I
> went over there. Not that I dislike minimal techno, but the Beatport stage
> seemed so musically singular that it was distressing. The area was
> perpetually full of people who appeared to be enjoying the music, but why
> couldn't that music have been moved to different stages over the course of
> the weekend?  Scion and Mark Ernestus would have been perfect on the
> Beatport stage, especially considering the time of day. I'm sure Minx would
> have been an excellent change of pace for that area as well.
> Then the Red Bull stage by the water started to feel like some spring break
> beach party as the days progressed.  Thankfully, the music changed up quite
> a bit and was generally interesting, but I started to wonder about the crowd
> after a while.  If nothing else, the crowd was energetic..
> The quality of the DJs at the Movement stage seemed to be very grab bag and
> the music on Saturday was particularly abysmal.  For how long do DJs think
> it OK to play the same damn beat and track structure?  On Saturday, the
> consensus obviously was that it was OK to do so for an entire set. Over and
> over and over and over and over.  Even when the DJs changed it was same
> crap. Were they all in cahoots?  When the woman in stripper garb got up on
> the speaker to wiggle about to the music the whole affair went from lame to
> tawdry.  I assume she was connected with the DJ somehow. Was the T&A ruse
> supposed to distract me from the fact that I was hearing a third-rate DJ
> set? Sorry, but it didn't work!!
> Though I did enjoy the aural improvements to the underground stage, I
> couldn't help but wonder about the preponderance of black performers whose
> styles are very "Detroit" seemingly relegated to the Made In Detroit stage
> while the surfeit of mostly white minimal DJs were so strongly represented
> on the Movement and Beatport stages.  In a way, it did feel like whiteface
> upstairs and blackface downstairs.  Yeah, I know that not every DJ who
> played down there was black, and I know that popular white DJs like Hawtin
> and Magda have played down there, but I couldn't shake the idea of racial
> bias all weekend. Perhaps Tom Cox's sh1t-st1rr1ng on this issue had sunk
> in...
> Also, the underground stage still has a lot of issues.  The improved sound
> helps, but it is still hot and muggy down there (why no fans?); the lines to
> the bathrooms are too long, and the dancefloor seems like it would be a
> nightmare if something happened and the crowd needed to exit the area
> quickly.  Cincinnati stampede anyone? With all those factors, I could see a
> lot of people still avoiding the area, just like I use to, which is
> unfortunate when so many quality Detroit artists are performing down there.
> OK, I'm done complaining.
> I had fun this weekend and got to hear some artists I hadn't known about
> before, which is a good thing.  I've managed to have fun with enough of the
> performances to make the festival still worthwhile overall.
> Already looking forward to going back next year!
> Lastly, I have to say that it was a PLEASURE to be back in Detroit!!!! I've
> only been to a few cities where I am happy just being there, regardless of
> what I'm doing at any particular moment.
> --
> {}0+>|

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