From: Daniel Troberg <>
Date: må 19 jul 2010 20.07.26 GMT+02:00
To: Three-One-Three <>
Subject: Re: (313) string synth sound

thats very interesting, X can be the key. Im not after how to do it, I know that stuff already.
Im interested in which gadget it is.

the only thing below with some kind of second hand value is the 909 yes, ,
I know two friends with mills signed 909s,, both in sweden. funnneeee.

blocks : easier yes, funnier nooooooooooo

On 13 jul 2010, at 06.39, Mike Taylor wrote:

The sound comes from a Korg rompler, likely an X5d.

If you want to do the 90's Mills thing, the formula is: 909, Yamaha
QX21, Akai S3000, EMU Carnival, Yamaha DX100, Yamaha TG33, and an
early 90's Korg rompler(doesn't matter which one).

I have heard that Neil Oliverra did Sountrack313 on an X5d, and that's it.

The gear used on old Mills records and Soundtrack313 is stupid cheap
these days, the hard part is being disciplined enough to work though
the interfaces. It is a hell of a lot easier to move some colored
blocks around in a DAW.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Daniel Troberg <>
To: kent williams <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2010 20:32:01 +0200
Subject: Re: (313) string synth sound
well, I still think that the synth patch on these both youtube clips
comes from the
exact same source. that is, a preset or something, on the stuff they
used. and no,
its no modular synth. no its not beefy analog. because most of the
stuff used were
on the cheap side. or gotten cheap. . Im thinking this would be some
kind of sampler
patch or something in that direction. ,, surely someone has dug into
this before.
listen to the clips again, name that synth ,, thats what controlling
my brain atm.

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