On Sep 3, 2011, at 12:35 PM, 313-digest-h...@hyperreal.org wrote:

> From: Klaas-Jan Jongsma <grand...@mac.com>
> Date: September 3, 2011 6:34:37 AM PDT
> To: Derek Plaslaiko <dkp...@gmail.com>
> Cc: Matt Kane's Brain <mkb-pr...@hydrogenproject.com>, 313@hyperreal.org, 
> logic7 <log...@cox.net>
> Subject: Re: (313) Lets start some old topics
> Almost, i am also up for a: Is Lance McGannon an actual person

Are KJ and Otto actual people?  After all, they aren't on Facebook, and all 
actual people are on Facebook  :P

        - Greg

P.S. Santiago (a.k.a. UR DJ S²) Salazar did a memorial mix for James Stinson on 
the 9th anniversary of his death today:


P.P.S. Blake Baxter posted in a comment thread on Kenny Larkin's FB that he 
would be here in L.A. next week???  Anyone know anything about this?

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