>> anyone have any info on the deep chord guys apart from the
>> www.deepchord.com site?
>> their releases are excellent.
>Here's a hint: Put up your right hand and stare at the thumb. Speaking of,
>they've got a new CD out now.
>Is it a compilation of all of their releases so far, or are there any
>exclusive tracks. I'll be picking that up
>since I've missed the boat on this label but have been forced to ass shake
>any time someone drops it.

i think they're from port huron/detroit, not thumbland, and i've seen a pre
release cd and it says 1-6 on it.
their vinyl goes from 7-9 as far as i know, which means the cd is earlier
stuff (at least as catalog #'s go). but i may be wrong.

but why should i speak, for i know nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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