Maybe it's just me, but I sensed a bit of a soporific spin on the Deep Chord
stuff in spots...sorta like the groggy funk evidenced on First Floor.

William VanLoo wrote:

> Giles Dickerson wrote:
> >
> > Bill + 313,
> >
> > I love you man, but, and I knpow this may create some FP dissent, but I
> > think they've really taken that sound to a new level.
> I think that's really our only point of contention. I love that sound,
> but I don't know that they've taken it any further.
> I knew it would happen, and last night at DJ Revolver's coffeehouse
> night in Windsor, it did. I heard a dope record, ran up to the DJ and
> asked what it was....and it was a Deep Chord record. *sigh*...
> I guess in the end it comes down to the fact that they're doing good
> stuff within an already established vein, and they're doing
> well-constructed stuff. I still stand by my earlier comments, but I
> think I see your side of the coin a little better now.
> Speaking of things deep & Berlin-influenced, your last Flatplastic was
> great, Giles. I like, I like.
> Cheers,



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