Thorin, my comment has everything to do with being present.
Thank you to all for the kind words.

On Wed, Aug 17, 2022, 9:26 AM Thorin Teague <> wrote:

> W1b0 was always really good about keeping up communication. He was a bit
> of a social butterfly which is no small part of why everyone liked him.
> I now know by the way that he unexpectedly went into cardiac arrest.
> Resuscitation was attempted but failed. He was in basically good/great
> health.
> I'm really sorry to hear about your health situation, too. I hope you get
> well ASAP.
> I'm no more concerned about what happens to me after I die then I am
> concerned about what was happening to me before I was born. Almost everyone
> who is anxious about the former has no worry about the latter. I believe
> that attitude kind of reveals the game.
> On Wed, Aug 17, 2022, 8:15 AM Kevin Kennedy <> wrote:
>> What really is even more sad is that many of us barely communicate with
>> each other until it's time to eulogize the ones we lost.
>> I'm sad about this passing, as I have been about so many other friends
>> that I'll never see again.
>> Here's my personal perspective:
>> I have, for the last two years or so have been on dialysis.  I've spent
>> the last year having multiple eye surgeries in order to save my sight.
>> I've been through hell.
>> We as a society focus so much on dying and death that many times people
>> forget to think about living.
>> Tell friends that you love them. Say the kind words to the people who you
>> respect. Thank the artists that enriched your experience. It takes nothing
>> to be nice, and who knows, you might make their day brighter.
>> Just a thought for you from someone who has had to confront his mortality
>> recently.
>> On Tue, Aug 16, 2022, 1:33 PM Thorin Teague <>
>> wrote:
>>> Makes for a sad morning. He was very well loved and liked throughout the
>>> Detroit and Germam community.
>>> On Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 8:31 AM Pwacher <> wrote:
>>>> This is really sad news. He really was a great guy and was writing some
>>>> great music too.
>>>> P.
>>>> On Aug 15, 2022 at 11:16 AM, <kent williams <>>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> A long-time 313 subscriber & Dutch "Techno-tourist"  Wibo Lammerts has
>>>> died.
>>>> This was sudden, I have no details. He'd just announced an upcoming
>>>> Berlin gig.
>>>> Holding his family in the light.

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