Late to this, but had heard about his passing through friends on other
social platforms.

Great guy, didn't know him well but was a big part of the 313 list in its
earliest years.

I echo Kevin's sentiments and miss the sense of community that mailing
lists like this provided years ago. Not to shake my old man techno cane at
the sky, but I feel like years of social media algorithmic engineering has
stripped that away. Or maybe I'm out of touch.

Anyway, long live Wibo. Aging sucks.

Cheers from Denver,

On Thu, Aug 18, 2022 at 4:13 AM Ronny Pries <> wrote:

> I picked this up almost week ago now. To me, he belonged to the circle of
> names I mostly bumped into again and again online. Throughout the last
> decades. Of course, I also heard a few of his releases. But I didn't know
> him personally.
> And yet, it keeps circling in my system. Beyond my thoughts revolving
> around his family.
> Maybe along the lines of what Kevin wrote earlier. About all the things we
> didn't tell each other when we could.
> I also wonder how content Wibo was with his artistic journey. If he found
> what he was looking for within. If he, deep inside, was satisfied with how
> he was perceived as a 'creative'.
> If that's even a possible thing to achieve for anyone.
> Thank you all for somehow being part of my journey for all these years.
> For the insights into a different world, culture, its struggle, its fruits,
> delivering a sense of space and place. Also for the discussions, the clash
> of opinions, for just being humans.
> I think we know nothing. And that, especially in the dawn of AI, it's our
> duty to figure out more frugal ways of communication. To get a better
> understanding about the human condition, the creative drive, the value of
> communication through creative work and all that.
> And I hope this runs in Wibo's spirit.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 17. Aug 2022, at 15:30, Kevin Kennedy <> wrote:
> Thorin, my comment has everything to do with being present.
> Thank you to all for the kind words.
> On Wed, Aug 17, 2022, 9:26 AM Thorin Teague <> wrote:
>> W1b0 was always really good about keeping up communication. He was a bit
>> of a social butterfly which is no small part of why everyone liked him.
>> I now know by the way that he unexpectedly went into cardiac arrest.
>> Resuscitation was attempted but failed. He was in basically good/great
>> health.
>> I'm really sorry to hear about your health situation, too. I hope you get
>> well ASAP.
>> I'm no more concerned about what happens to me after I die then I am
>> concerned about what was happening to me before I was born. Almost everyone
>> who is anxious about the former has no worry about the latter. I believe
>> that attitude kind of reveals the game.
>> On Wed, Aug 17, 2022, 8:15 AM Kevin Kennedy <> wrote:
>>> What really is even more sad is that many of us barely communicate with
>>> each other until it's time to eulogize the ones we lost.
>>> I'm sad about this passing, as I have been about so many other friends
>>> that I'll never see again.
>>> Here's my personal perspective:
>>> I have, for the last two years or so have been on dialysis.  I've spent
>>> the last year having multiple eye surgeries in order to save my sight.
>>> I've been through hell.
>>> We as a society focus so much on dying and death that many times people
>>> forget to think about living.
>>> Tell friends that you love them. Say the kind words to the people who
>>> you respect. Thank the artists that enriched your experience. It takes
>>> nothing to be nice, and who knows, you might make their day brighter.
>>> Just a thought for you from someone who has had to confront his
>>> mortality recently.
>>> On Tue, Aug 16, 2022, 1:33 PM Thorin Teague <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Makes for a sad morning. He was very well loved and liked throughout
>>>> the Detroit and Germam community.
>>>> On Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 8:31 AM Pwacher <> wrote:
>>>>> This is really sad news. He really was a great guy and was writing
>>>>> some great music too.
>>>>> P.
>>>>> On Aug 15, 2022 at 11:16 AM, <kent williams <>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> A long-time 313 subscriber & Dutch "Techno-tourist"  Wibo Lammerts has
>>>>> died.
>>>>> This was sudden, I have no details. He'd just announced an upcoming
>>>>> Berlin gig.
>>>>> Holding his family in the light.

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