> i'm having a hard time swallowing this i guess, just can't 
> really see it as
> a good thing. don't get me wrong i think it's wonderful for 
> atkins himself,
> he deserves everything he gets and from what i've heard it's 
> not a hack job
> on the tune but, at the same time it's a horrible shame that 
> the man was not
> compensated for the importance of his music in the first 
> place. to me it's
> just another example of a big corporation jumping on 
> something way after the
> fact, stomping on something beautiful like a giant baby hewy 
> and milking it
> for financial gain. maybe it will expose some people to the 
> music that will
> be enriched by it and go on to learning more about it but, 
> for every one of
> those people there are 100 mindless sheep that could care 
> less about the
> tune or anything that is good art in general and why waste 
> good a art on
> sheep? i believe the people who would appreciate it would 
> have found it
> eventually anyway without the help of ford motor company. but 
> what do i
> know?    
I can agree it's a shame Juan wasn't getting acclaim back in the day, 
but I don't think a 1 to 100 person ratio is that bad.
I am not sure what determines somethings art quotient or not, but I am sure
its either, what the artist puts into it or the appreciation of the product.
but if those 100 people don't get it, its not going to hurt anything, I
see anyone reacting violently to the use of the song, but this is america...
I don't think art can be wasted. 
Go to the Metropolitan Art Museum in NYC and I bet only one out of every one
people there think the Rodin sculptures are art, or appreciate them as art.
That doesn't make it less important in my book, by any means.
Based solely on the fact they may be mindless sheep, I don't care if they
like or notice
the tune.

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