On Wed, 29 Nov 2000, Craig Stodolenak wrote:
> Vinyl can already be more easily replaced with a digital file; all 
> we're waiting on is the interface.  And who the hell is going to lug 
> around a 50 lb. box of discs of plastic with little squiggly lines on 
> them after they're presented with a quality alternative?
Vinyl is still king among DJs, and it won't go away any time soon.
There are loads of tricks you can do with records, as a performer, that
you can't do with CDs, and most certainly can't do with MP3 files.
No one has topped vinyl for sheer intuitive user interface.

Then there's the issue of vinyl sound, and I won't get into vinyl
vs cd issues, except to say that the vinyl of my record sounds better
to me than the CD it was mastered from.

You can buy an electronic piano now, or a Steinway. For any of a huge
number of reasons, Electronic keyboards will never replace real Pianos.
I think the same holds for vinyl -- there will be a place for it alongside
CDs for a long time to come.

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