Here's a fact Nick: I like Techno.

        You're failing to realize that there is a considerable difference 
between an opinion, which is necessarily based on a limited 
amount of objective experience combined with subjective 
judgements, and a fact, which might require no objective 
experience to prove it is so. Certain things we can all prove or 
disprove because they are objective. However, taking a limited 
amount of empirical knowledge and classifying it as a proof, ... the 
Flat Earth Society ..., is pretty far beyond a jump to conclusions. 
As for the fact that I subjectively like techno, no matter how hard 
you think otherwise, you'll never be able to change it.

        I was just about ready to unsubscribe from the list after reading 
a few messages today. I probably would have had I not read the 
messages by George and Tim. I think that the race issue is 
definitetly something that could belong on this list, but not in such 
a negative way. Being raised in different cultures has a tendency to 
give people different tastes and styles in music. It's a great thing if 
you ask me. Of course there will be problems also ... but imagine if 
the cultural splits weren't there at all ... I think the music would 
suffer quite a bit.

Later, my name is Jason btw, I'm from Flint but live in Sweden.

- Jason Hill - Sidehop Curator
- ICQ: 3133747

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