life is not E based, i agree. but life isn't (or shouldn't be) business
based as well. what first fascinated me about this music was that i had
the impression that it wasn't based on money, that it wasn't based on
envy, that it wasn't based on racial bs. but the more i learned about the
music, the more i realised that these things do matter as well. no light
without shadow, no good without evil. but i do believe that the music we
love and we believe in can help us to gain the right balance. it is _our_
music and therefore it is _our_ responsibility to learn from "normal
society's " mistakes to improve our own and others life.

may the force be with you

----- Original Message -----
From: laura gavoor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 5:40 PM
Subject: RE: [313] the race debate

: With a tag line of:  Ford Focus...Detroit Techno sponsoring a Moby
: tour...what do you suggest?
: Shall a Mike Banks or a Juan Atkins for example, sit back and let
: else make his money and benefit from their efforts while they are
: quintessentially excluded and pushed aside.  What kind of juveniles do
: all think created this music and mentality?  These are grown men and
: with families to support and REAL bills to pay.
: Are our dreams of financial success and acclaim to be kicked to the curb
: the greater good?  What the f**k are you all saying ANYWAY?
: It is simply not in our nature, nor in the nature of the culture of
: aggressive creative individualism/techno to simply lie down and take
: a fist up the rump.  Can we try at least to approach this as grown
: people.  After all, 313 CREATED this business and now the majors and
: tagalong "bad" white people wish to exploit it and us for the sake of
: dollar.
: I'm disgusted with the apathy being exhibited in this thread.  Life is
not E
: based.  That is simply NOT REAL y'all.  Parties that bring all the races
: together are incredible....BUT THEY ARE JUST PARTIES.  Party life and
: esoterics of the music are NOT what we are discussing here at all.
: How would any of you like it if you busted yo ass 24-7 for 10+ years and
: someone else got paid for your work.  Would this not raise your ire??
: one kiddies, let's talk reality here.
: A trance rip-off of Jaguar was just the tip of the iceberg.  If you
: believe in this music and culture perhaps you might like to join in the
: fight for its defense and longevity.

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