> >I think alot of the quality of the audio goes out the window after digital
> >quantizantion.
> Something I don't understand here - so much music is made with samplers and
> other digital devices, so presumably the sound coming out is quantised to
> 16-bit/44.1KHz by definition anyway - how can writing that quantised sound
> onto vinyl suddenly give it a better dynamic range / quality ?

exactly - even the tracks made with all analgue synths and drum machines
are generally mastered to DAT, which is if i remember right 16 bit 44khz,
same as CD.  

then again, maybe those people who make vinyl masters know some sort of
magic that "un-quantizes" your digital recording?  yeah, that must be it.

cause, y'know, vinyl is better.

i hate technology, that's why i play "techno!"

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