> Something to do with a Voo Doo Doll? Think about it folks, 
> this isn't a 
> record, you can't change what's on the CD or how it's read, 
> all you can do 
> is obstruct it, or clear an obstruction, and a CD player with good 
> oversampling isn't going to be obstructed easily, and when it 
> is, it just 
> skips ahead. There's no "magical missing bit" that gives it 
> "warmth" or 
> "clarity" this is just good old fashioned technophobia, no 
> different than 
> the old bs of using a green or blue highlighter around the 
> rim. people want 
> to believe they can fix or better technology that is far 
> beyond their grasp.

Youve answered your own question! The more it skips ahead and the greater
the error rate the less accurate the sound reproduction will be or is that
Voodoo as well?... lol.


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