Every now and then my Denon rejects a commercial CD...I tracked down an old
Mellowtrons a month ago and to my chagrin it wouldn't play. Does fine in the
car - and usually car players are the finicky ones.
Max Duley wrote:

> > Assuming you don't mean ones you've microwaved or baked, it would
> > prolly have to
> > do with the quality of the laser in it..


> Most, maybe. I bought a CD player specifically designed to play CDRs and
> CDRWs (with a co-ax out so I could copy my CDRs). It does all
> that......problem is sometimes it won't play commercially purchased CDs!!
> Reckons they're "unfinalised".



 ICQ904008 (but I'm never on)

----> http://www.freedonation.com  (costs you nothing. try it)

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