Yeah, it has _nothing_ to do with intelligence. If we were so intelligent we'd be driving cars that didn't pollute.
It has more to do with familiartiy, repetition, and brand recognition.
Brand recognition is currently the hottest thing to come along in the ad and marketing biz. If people don't recognize the brand they are less likely to buy it. No people don't just say...hey I saw this at a so-and-so concert so I'm going straight out ot buy it. It's more like I've seen this product so many times that it won't leave my head and when I go out to look for a product like it I will gravitate toward it because it'a familiar to me.
That's what Moby doesn't realize or if he does he choses to ignore the fact.


From: "lauryn goller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [313] about moby and his corporate money he receives...
Date: Thu,  3 May 2001 13:36:16 -0400

>"well, it Moby endorses it then it must be good enough
>for me to buy." By allowing them to place their name and logo all over his >tours, etc. he does endorse them... regardless of what he may do with the
>money afterward."

at this point, i would *like* to say that you are grossly underestimating the intelligence of the human population, but unfortunately, that probably *isn't* the case.

i would almost reach out by saying that i think most of the people who could honestly just go out and buy a car because they saw it on t.v. WOULD be intelligent enough to discern since they somehow are smart enough to have made all that money..but that isn't always the case either.

i don't think i honestly know anyone who just goes out and buys things simply because a celebrity endorses them. because i think most people are intelligent enough to know that just because someone is famous doesn't make them an expert on cars, hair products, etc.,etc....

*shrugs* but then again...what do i know...i keep forgetting how stupid people can be...


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