--- Omar Hackett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Peace Be
unto U
> Funny, Kent
> I have been on the list long enough to know when you
> didnt even use
> the word "hater", but now your own the bandwagon
> using it as though
> your "all in"......come on Chap give it a rest,
> pretty please with  
> sugar and cherry on top!
> I do agree with one thing you said, how the heck
> could a Moby even be  
> discussed.  Thus I wont!  I will however deal with
> one issue.
> Who the hell said that money helps, hunh, who said
> it?  Unbelievable!
> Dont any of you know that we been doing this sh*t
> for years without
> money!  If we compiled all the brothas together that
> are engineers, general
> technicians, lighting technicians, a builder to
> build the stages(who takes scraps
> from the lumber yard), rented some microphones and
> other digital  
> equipment, planners and organizers, cats in
> production, promotions etc..., coupled with all the
> other trimmings I'd imagine that it could be pulled
> off.  But who has the courage to try it?
> Point:
> U dont need, necessarily, corporate sponsors for
> this type of thing.  These brothas
> and others around the country and globe have been
> doing this stuff for years...with just
> what they have, and no one is mad on this side about
> it.  Basically, we'd hope
> U'd get the message to keep churging ahead with what
> you got, forging networks
> of people with "LIKEMIND", and thats how it could be
> even bigger and better without
> the corporations cash and still retain its
> integrity.   
> Do any of you believe in coming together, and that
> something positive, organized,  
> and constructive can result from such a unity?
> DONT ANSWER, its rhetorical.  I would guess that if
> you did believe it, then your
> post, as well as your treatment of people outside
> the world of "313" would  
> reflect such a belief.
> Nick W, keep up the good work!

Thanks for that... In response to Laura's post
yesterday (tho it's sort of relevant to this also)...

I went home and had a big long think about Laura's
post... The truth is that this was bound to happen
eventually. What can we do about it? Do we boycott
Derrick May because he "sold out" supposedly? 

Miss G, I wonder if Ritual had offered you a three
year contract instead of Ms. Marvin would you take it?
As Omar says above, a lot of artists live on a
shoestring, very few are millionaries. It's the
promoters that are making the big bucks... If you're
offered the chance to make a bit more money, you'd
take it... Wanting to make money isn't a bad thing...
It's greed that's bad... 

What Ford and SFX are doing is greedy and potentially
destructive but, as John O and Tristan pointed out,
the underground will never die... not whilst there are
people that truly love music...

What it boils down to is that, even if detroit techno
becomes popular or even mainstream, it will split the 
scene between those that are in it for the money and
the "hardcore"... the REAL detroit heads... 

The scene may need to evolve but I think we also need
to decide which side of the fence we're on now. Just
the people on this list can change the course of the
scene. Most of all, realise that there is nothing to
worry about... We can take care of the scene as long
as we do what we've always done, remain true to what
you believe in...

Nick (Dj Pacific:)

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