> > Did anyone else find it funny that none of the performers are listed in
> >  Ford's massive ad campaign?
> Yes! I've noticed and i guess more power to them, but it is quite dis-
> heartening.

where the hell would they put them all?  there's like 60
performers!  They'd have to be in like 8 point type to fit them all in
any sort of print ad.  I'm pretty sure it was a conscious decision to list
the performers in alphabetical order such that there's no hierarchy of
headliners vs supporting acts, so that makes it a little hard for ad
designers to pick out a select few to put in an ad. If carl craig, as
creative director, had decided to highlight a few performers as
headliners, then I'm sure they would've been mentioned in ad campaigns.

I know you're all looking for every chance to demonize ford for their
involvement, but i think this is more grasping at straws than
anything.  Why don't you wait and see how things turn out?  Then if it
sucks afterwards, complain all you want.  I might even join in.


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