Trying in vain to follow the "plot" to that stupid Bacardi commercial/vid/loop on the Underground Stage, I found myself asking "what happened to the blonde woman the protagonist was with before he wound up with the brunette he was trailing?". Maybe we'll get the sequel at DEMF 2002. Carol *did* say she wanted to open the fest up for more "business opportunities" and "Detroit Party" atmosphere. Maybe it'll be fueled by a Bacardi-powered mini-saga of commercials like Folger's did some years back on TV.

At 10:58 AM 5/29/2001 -0700, Dan Sicko wrote:
I didn't think they *completely* overdid it ... and it certainly didn't ruin the festival.

The swirling psychedelic Ford logos were a bit silly though. The Bacardi video loop on the Underground stage was stomach-turning as well ...

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