Mabye it's just me, but I think they did. Renaming the festival is probably the largest thing (buying the main stage wasn't enough?),but then the swirling ford logos, to the focus racer dude racing down the endless tunnel video effect, to the constant "focus focus focus" every single direction you turn, to the video projections on the side buildings... I thought it all very un-original and tacky. Plus, the video imagery was bland and slow, and seemed to loop every 5 minutes, the same feed for all three days, with no reaction to the music or crowd whatsoever (downstairs excluded).

Do I need to go so far as to point out the monopoly on webcasts/archives as well?

Not to be totally negative, it wasn't *that* bad, I just thought they went a bit far. Aside from that, I thought the demf was incredible.... and i'm very envious of you people who got into jak (The line was almost all around the building at quarter-after-12).

sleep now,

At 01:58 PM 5/29/2001, Dan Sicko wrote:
I didn't think they *completely* overdid it ... and it certainly didn't ruin the festival.

The swirling psychedelic Ford logos were a bit silly though. The Bacardi video loop on the Underground stage was stomach-turning as well ...


At 2:04 PM +0000 5/29/2001, Jayson B. wrote:
So what did you guys think? did the Ford over do it? Was it super commercialized to the point where it ruined the phatty underground vibe?

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