Yep. I'll second that one. I'd also add Kit Clayton on the Formless Form
tour, if that counts as 313. Stewart Walker in Iowa City '99. This was the
"Nothing Creates Stark Imagery" era. Scion w/Tikiman @ DEMF. Todd Sines @
DEMF 2. Does Titonton count, since he has a band (of sorts)? I was quite
impressed @ DEMF2.

Ya know... Boston has got to be the Live PAist capitol of the US at the
moment. Three of my favorites are there, in Stewart Walker, Fred Gianelli,
and Todd Gys. All current or former listmembers.

Has anyone seen Vladislav Delay? I don't recall ever hearing a review here.
His 2-hour mp3 once on the Native Instruments site was done live I believe,
and about 1/2 of it became Anima (in a way). Oh, and on the topic of live on
the net, there's a really nice Monolake and Kit Clayton as Revenge of the
Nerds on the monolake site, and the first half of Isolee live on the
Betalounge is really good too. Hell, we could almost just do a "best of" of
the Betalounge...

Sapporo Reserve is big and good... :)

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----- Original Message -----
To: "The Music Institute" <>
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 2:24 PM
Subject: [313] Live shows

> I'm a bit surprised no one mentioned the Metro Area set at the SereNgeti
> Ballroom post DEMF.  Awesome tight sound and a beauty of a mid-tempo
> --
> im
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