On Wednesday, September 19, 2001, at 10:07 AM, Danny Ward wrote:

I would suggest trying www.planetxusa.com for any online record orders.
They were one of the pioneers in online music shopping and have been around
long enough to have built a solid reputation throughout the industry.  I
only talk highly of them because I personally, as well as a good majority of
their shoppers have had nothing but solid performance by PX.

Here's my experiences with Planet X:

1) Their policy for international orders (including Canada) is terrible. The first time I ordered from them, I had to do a wire transfer to their bank account in NY because they can't verify international VISA numbers (for some reason the extra 3 digits on the back of a VISA card isn't good enough). Thus the order cost me an extra $30 Canadian in wire transfer fees.

2) When I received my first order, a double album I bought contained two copies of the same record. I brought the issue up and their solution was to refund me for it on my next order. The only reason why I accepted this was because they were willing to let me use my ghastly international VISA number on the next order (so I wouldn't have to pay the absurd wire transfer fees).

3) When I placed my second order, I brought up the issue of the refund was told it would happen. It didn't (I was charged the full amount of the second order).

4) Also on my second order, I didn't receive notice of what records I would be receiving (just notice that a package had been shipped to me). When I tried to find out what records were shipped, they said, "our system isn't quite set up for that - yet".

5) I can't navigate their website in Linux (my main operating system for software development) since they use Internet Exploder specific website features (and there's no version of Internet Exploder for Linux).

Perhaps the last point is nitpicking, but it's important for me. Especially since Planet X seems to pride itself on "independence" (what's more independent than a hacker developed, DIY operating system?).

Anyways, I just needed to vent about that. Needless to say, I won't be ordering from them again.


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