ok, maybe you're right, but as far as I know, in those images all you can
see is about 5 kids, a woman and two adults celebrating (about 9 or 10
people). That's all the celebration? is that all the footage CNN could get?
Why are this images said to be celebration of the palestinians, for me it is
a celebration of 10 palestiniansd, most of them kids... I think that is also
distorting reality. I'm not defending anyone here, all I say is this type of
things promote hate and violence, and that's exactly what we are trying to
avoid, or is it not?

> I'm really getting sick of this thing. The "False" CNN coverage is a hoax:
> m
> and
> http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_402920.html?menu=news.latestheadlines
> CNN says fake footage claims are 'baseless and ridiculous'
> CNN says accusations it faked footage of Palestinians
> celebrating the US terror attacks are baseless.
> Palestinian journalists and officials reportedly claim the footage
> dates back to 1991, but was passed off as being current.
> CNN says a Reuters camera crew filmed the celebrations in
> East Jerusalem hours after the hijackings.
> It says the allegations stem from an email by a Brazilian student.
> The Universad Estatal de Campinas-Brasil (Unicamp) says one
> of its students sent the email after apparently receiving
> information from a professor at another institution.
> Marcio AV Carvalho later realised the claims were false and sent
> out a correction, says Unicamp.
> A spokesman said: "The original message, however, was
> distributed all over the world, often with many distortions."
> A CNN spokesman told Ananova: "CNN rejects as baseless and
> ridiculous an allegation being circulated by email and the
> internet claiming that CNN televised 10-year-old videotape to
> illustrate Palestinians celebrating in the wake of the horrific
> September 11 tragedies in the US.
> "CNN applauds Unicamp for setting the record straight. The
> videotape in question was shot by a Reuters TV camera crew on
> September 11."
> According to the Islamic Republic News Agency, the Palestinian
> Journalists' Association has condemned CNN for "journalistic
> treachery".
> >
> > Sorry to go off topic but I thought this was worth posting ...
> >
> >>>>> There's an important point in the power of press, specifically the
> >> power
> >>>>> of CNN.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> All around the world we are subjected to 3 or 4 huge news
> >> distributors,
> >>>>> and one of them - as you well know - is CNN.
> >>>>> Very well, I guess all of you have been seeing (just as I've been)
> >>>>> images from this company. In Particular, one set of images caught my
> >>>>> attention: the Palestinians celebrating the bombing, out on the
> >> streets,
> >>>>> eating celebration sweets and making funny faces for the camera.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Well, THOSE IMAGES WERE SHOT BACK IN 1991!!! Those are images of
> >>>>> Palestinians celebrating the invasion of Kuwait!
> >>>>> It's simply unacceptable that a super-power of communications as CNN
> >>>> uses
> >>>>> images which do not correspond to the reality in talking about so
> >>>>> serious of an issue.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> At the BBC here, we have these footages on videotapes recorded in
> >> 1991,
> >>>>> with the very same images.
> >>>>> But now, think for a moment about the impact of such images. Your
> >> people
> >>>>> are  hurt, emotionally fragile, and this kind of broadcast has very
> >> high
> >>>>> possiblity of causing waves of anger and rage against the
> >> Palestinians.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> It's simply irresponsible to show images such as those.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Russell Grossman | Head of Internal Communication  | BBC
> >>>>> Third Floor | London Broadcasting House | LONDON  W1A 1AA
> >>>>>
> >>> --
> >>> I thought so, the night they first showed those images, a BBC news
> >>> reporter
> >>> in Palestine (I forget her name) denied that these scenes were taking
> >>> place.
> >>>
> >>>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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