there is no question if ymo are
influential or not, they definitely
were and everyone (ask john acqauaviva,
for example) who knows their music
also knows that they were not a copy
of kraftwerk, rather a fusion of
european synth sound with their own
native influences. also, there's a lot
of irony (or a kind of 'pretended' naivity)
in their music, which some people probably
do not like

As a slight addendum to this, I offer an anecdote. Early last year, Clark Warner & Liz Copeland (Clark is a DJ and works with M-nus & Hawtin, Liz is a DJ and has a show on WDET -FM, the local NPR affiliate in Detroit) did a show on YMO re: the roots of electronic music. Clark used about 15 of my discs to spin on the show. I met with them both sometime last summer when they returned the music to me and one of the stories Clark mentioned was of Derrick and/or Juan driving around in the 80s with various YMO tracks being belted out of their car players. This was at the mention of YMO recently...or something like that ( I may have the story screwed up!). Perhaps they were in a car playing the CDs recently and that evoked the accolades. There was actually an historic meet-up with Kraftwerk at one point. If I recall correctly, there was a bit of a division in the band over the Kraftwerk influence, but I can't recall the details.


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